Choose a Supplier

Choose a Supplier

Standard Generation Service

If you are a UI customer looking to switch to UI’s Standard Generation Service, we’ve made the process very easy. Just complete the Request to Switch to UI’s Standard Generation Service form below. Enter your account number, name key, POD ID, email and submit. Your electronic request will be sent to our Customer Care Center for processing.  Please note that you will need your account information to switch. Please have a copy of your electric bill available.


As of January 1, 2024, if you have an account with medical protection or financial hardship you can shop for, and enroll with, an alternate electricity supplier if the rate is at or below our Standard Service rate (Rate R customers) or Standard Service Off-Peak rate (Rate RT customers). More information can be found on Medical Protection/Financial Hardship Accounts and Alternate Electricity Suppliers.



Choose a Supplier PT2

Delivery/Generation Charges

As a result of Connecticut’s 1998 deregulation law, your electric bill now has two major parts: Delivery and Generation. These are presented separately on your  UI Bill.

Delivery is the service that UI provides. We own and operate the system that safely and reliably delivers electricity to your home or business. No matter which Generation supplier you choose, UI remains your electric utility. For more information about the Delivery portion of the bill, visit  UI Rates.

Generation is the cost to create the electricity you use. There is a competitive market to provide this service. If you buy Generation service from UI, you pay what we pay, at no markup. Or, you can buy it from alternate suppliers and pay the rates they offer. This appears on your  UI Bill  as the “Generation Services Charge.”

If you are interested in switching to an alternate supplier, you may find a current list of companies offering generation service in UI’s service territory at You should contact the suppliers directly to switch.

If you decide to switch suppliers (tips):

  • Shop around to find the supplier, rate, and terms that suit you best. Visit to learn more about alternate suppliers.
  • Have your most recent  UI Bill  handy. You will need information from it.
  • You can switch as often as once a month. Allow up to two weeks for your request to be processed, after which the new rate will take effect on the date of the next meter reading. This can take a total of up to 40 days. 
  • Switches occur on your bill cycle meter reading date. The supplier must submit the enrollment at least two days before this date, otherwise the switch will not occur until the next billing period. The supplier may need up to two weeks to process your application to switch. Your first bill with the new supplier will show both the old supplier (for the billing period of the bill) and there will be a note on the bill that says, “Your new Supplier is ...”

Visit for information about energy topics including efficiency, restructuring, energy assistance, environmental issues, consumer issues and research and public policy.

Alternate Supplier Referral Program

Competitive suppliers that offer 12-month fixed rates may have their offerings communicated via UI’s Customer Care Center and website. Please visit UI Rates for our current Standard Service rates. In addition to the fixed price, these suppliers may offer Time-of-Use Rates and other price options. Please check with each supplier for information about their offers and see for more supplier offers.

To compare generation rates with other suppliers, visit

To learn more about the referral program and to be transferred to one of the participating suppliers, call UI at 800 7 CALL UI (800.722.5584). To read the Connecticut PURA decision that provides the guidelines for the referral program, visit Docket No. 05-08-05RE02.

CT Clean Energy Options

CTCleanEnergyOptions is a state-approved program that allows any UI customer the opportunity to support clean energy made from approved renewable resources such as wind, small hydroelectric and landfill gas. Customers who enroll continue to receive electric delivery service from their utility and pay a small clean energy surcharge. Please visit the EnergizeCT website for full details.


For Energy Suppliers and Aggregators Only

If you are an electric supplier or aggregator, you can find additional information in our Suppliers and Partners section.


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