How We Restore
Service restoration depends on the magnitude and duration of the storm or other event causing the service interruptions. UI’s general sequence of service restoration is:
First Priority
Public safety requires the de-energizing or cutting down of downed primary voltage distribution lines, including road clearing.
Restoration of service to previously designated public emergency service institutions such as major hospitals, evacuation centers, as prioritized by municipal officials.
Second Priority
Service restoration to a maximum number of customers in a minimum amount of time using available work forces. This usually involves the removal of trees and limbs, the bypassing of some damaged equipment and the re-energizing of primary voltage distribution lines.
Third Priority
The repair and restoration of equipment and lines serving small groups of customers.
Fourth Priority
Although the restoration of service lines to individual homes or buildings is designated as Priority 4, they will in most cases be done at the same time as other restoration work designated with a higher priority. This is accomplished by using crews not normally associated with distribution restoration work.
We work every day to deliver the safe, reliable power you depend on. When severe weather strikes, we respond to restore power safely and as quickly as possible.
Daily Outage Credit
If you experience a power outage of 120 consecutive hours or more, you will automatically receive a Daily Outage Credit of $25 for every 24 hour period your remain without power after the initial 120 hours.
Spoilage Compensation Credit
If you experience a power outage for 96 consecutive hours, you may be eligible for a Spoilage Compensation Credit of $250 to help replace spoiled food or medicine. Please complete our
claim form
to apply for this credit.
Who is Responsible for Repairing Damaged Equipment
In some cases, storms may damage electrical equipment on a customer’s property that’s not part of UI’s electrical system. It is the customer’s responsibility to repair this damage before we can restore service. The pamphlet linked below may be able to help you determine who is responsible for repairing damaged equipment.
- What’s Ours? What’s Yours? (PDF)
- En español: Prioridades de restauración en español
Plesase read the Frequently Asked Questions below for additional information.