Renewable Energy Solutions

Renewable Energy Solutions

Distributed Generation

We are committed to supporting distributed generation projects within our service area. Distributed Generation allows customers to produce clean energy and sell that energy back to UI to use throughout our electric grid. This contributes to a cleaner and healthier environment for our entire community. Whether you are a customer considering distributed generation or you are an experienced contractor, we can help you learn more about distributed generation and guide you through the application process.


Program Resources

What is Distributed Generation?

Distributed Generation, also known as Distributed Energy Resources (DER), involves a generator interconnected to the Electric Distribution System located on either the customer-side or grid-side of the electric meter. The generator produces energy from a variety of sources including but not limited to photovoltaic arrays (solar panels), wind turbines, co-generation units and micro turbines.

If you applied for interconnection before January 1, 2022, you are participating in the former Net Metering Program.

If you are applying for interconnection of a solar PV project on or after January 1, 2022, you are applying to participate in Connecticut Renewable Energy Solutions.

What is Connecticut Renewable Energy Solutions?

Renewable Energy Solutions provides a Tariff, or “incentive rate”, to compensate residential and commercial customers for the power produced from their distributed generation systems. Customers can apply for one of two incentive rate structures - Buy All or Netting - along with their interconnection application. Additional information on the incentive rate structures is found here.

Application Process

An application for a proposed DER interconnection and incentive rate can be submitted via our online portal. In order to do so, you will need to create a secure login ID and password. Once you have submitted an application, you can also view updated project status online through the portal. Click below to apply today!!

Would you like to generate your own electricity?

Whether this is your first project, or you are a seasoned professional, we can help you get connected!

We've included the information needed to set up either a small or large DER project at your home or business location.

Tools to assess options for your residential or commercial solar project

Residential Renewable Energy Solutions FAQs

Residential Renewable Energy Solutions - Questions & Responses from Webinars

UI DER Open Project Queue

Circuit-level Hosting Capacity Map

Hosting Capacity Eligibility Form

Interconnection Feasibility Map

“How to” guide for the DER Interconnection Application Portal

ISO-NE Source Document for Inverter Ride-Through Requirements

Residential Renewable Energy Solutions Program Manual

Guidelines for the Interconnection of Residential Single Phase Certified Inverter-Based Generating Facilities of 25 kW (AC) or Less

Guidelines for the Interconnection of Residential Single Phase Certified Inverter-Based Generating Facilities of 20 kW (AC) or Less – Expired as of 12/31/2021

Guidelines for Generator Interconnection, Fast Track and Study Process

Exhibit B--Generator Interconnection Technical Requirements

Renewable Energy Solutions and Interconnection Fees

Renewable Energy Solutions Tariff Application Fees:

  1. ≤25 kW Res. Renewable Energy Solutions Application Fee - $129
  2. >25 kW Non-Residential Renewable Energy Solutions Bid Fee - $350
  3. Tariff Payment Beneficiary Revision - $22

Distributed Generation Interconnection Fees:

  1. New 25 kW or less Application - $200.00
  2. Upgrade to Fast Track Application from 25 kW - $300.00
  3. New Fast Track Application - $500.00
  4. New Fast Track Application (2+ MW) - $1000.00
  5. Additional Site Visit - $150.00

Monthly Netting or Buy-All Metering Equipment:

  1. REC Meter Fee 120/240 V single phase. Form 2S - $181.00
  2. REC Meter Fee 120/208 V single phase. Form 25S - $274.00
  3. REC Meter for Commercial and Industrial projects - TBD

Residential Renewable Energy Solution Forms

Forms required for all applications:

Forms required for direct payments to Tariff Payment Beneficiaries for both residential and non-residential programs. The Tariff Payment Beneficiary Instructions contain additional details about these forms:

Non-Residential Renewable Energy Solution Forms

Forms required for bids, as applicable:

Program Guideline Documents:

Year 3 NRES Information Webinar:

UI and Eversource hosted an informational webinar on January 23, 2024.

Year 3 Eversource and UI Bidders Conference slide deck:

Year 2 NRES Information Webinar:

UI and Eversource hosted an informational webinar on January 26, 2023. Please see the linked slide deck from the webinar here.

Year 2 Eversouce and UI Bidders Conference slide deck and recording:


Program Contacts

Interconnection Contact:

Residential Renewable Energy Solutions Contact:

Non-Residential Renewable Energy Solutions Contact:

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