Regulatory Information
Regulatory related information is available on the following topics:
Competitive Market and Restructuring
Regardless of which supplier your choose, UI will continue to deliver your electricity over its transmission and distribution system. We’ll also continue to service emergencies, read your meter and offer billing services. To help you better understand what electric restructuring is all about this page provides a brief background of resturcturing in Connecticut and frequently asked questions.
UI’s Transmission Business
UI’s Transmission Business unit, established in 2006, achieves growth by identifying, pursuing and capturing transmission opportunities to enhance reliability and market efficiency and deploying infrastructure solutions that provide stakeholder value.
Connecticut Code of Conduct Notifications: Affiliate Transactions
Now that Connecticut has restructured its electric markets, UI no longer intends to generate electricity or compete in the new retail power market. Instead it will focus on delivering electricity as reliably and efficiently as possible while customers choose new suppliers.
UI Information Releases to its Generating Entity
The Connecticut Code of Conduct promotes a fair, competitive electric power market by requiring that UI post a notice of all releases of customer-specific information to its generating entity.
UI Transactions with its Generating Entity
The Connecticut Code of Conduct promotes a fair, competitive electric power market by requiring that UI post all non-tariffed transactions with its generating entity. Similarly, UI must post all discounts, rebates or other waivers between UI and its generating entity or affiliate within 24 hours of the time UI provides the service.