Digital Meter With LCD Display

Digital Meter With LCD Display

There are two types of digital meters: Single Display and Multiple Display

Single Display Digital Meters

  • Single display digital meters display only the total usage on the meter.
  • The display consists of 5 or 6 digits.
  • You may have a rate with different time periods, but your meter only shows a single display.
  • Write down the number as seen, from left to right, including zeros.

Single Display Digital Meter


Multiple Display Digital Meters

  • Multiple display digital meters display a series of numbers that depict the usage on the meter.
  • Each series of numbers consists of 2 sets of numbers, the Display Number on the left and the Register Read on the right.
  • The Register Reads are 5 or 6 digits, depending on the meter type.  Each is assigned a Display Number.
  • The Display Number corresponds to a different time period total usage (kWh) or demand (kW).
  • The series change every few seconds to show a different read.  You may have to wait a minute to see a specific Display Number again.
  • Some Display Numbers shown on the meter will not be used for billing.
  • Display Numbers 6, 8 and 10 have a decimal point with 3 numbers to the right of the decimal.

Below is an example of a multiple display digital meter screen:

Multiple Display Digital Meter

The left number is the Display Number, which is 04 in this example.  The right section shows the Register Read, which is 000753 in this example.  You need both numbers to get your billing reads.

Here is a handy form to use when collecting the reads to provide to UI:

Display Number /
Name of Read

Register Read Value
04 /



05 /
On-Peak Kilowatt Hours



06 /
On-Peak Demand



07 /
Off-Peak Kilowatt Hours



08 /
Off-Peak Demand



09 /
Shoulder Peak Kilowatt Hours



10 /
Shoulder Peak Demand



24 /
Received Cumulative



25 /
Received On-Peak Kilowatt Hours



27 /
Received Off-Peak Kilowatt Hours



29 /
Received Shoulder Peak Kilowatt Housr



Although the meter may show more Display Numbers than listed, UI only needs a few for billing.  If your meter does not show all of these Display Numbers, don’t worry.  The missing Display Numbers won’t be needed for your bill.

Below is detailed information on all the display numbers:

Multiple Display Digital Meter Numbers

 Frequently Asked Questions

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Cyber security is nothing new to the utility industry. We have extensive experience maintaining cyber-security for information systems and operating the electricity grid. While smart meters have added a new component to our system, the meters, communications, and information management are subject to the same Department of Energy security standards that keep the grid secure. Data transmitted from the meter to the billing system is encrypted.

We protect private data and our customers' accounts. The use of data encryption keeps this data safe during transmission. No personal information is stored or collected by the meter. Any such information is only retained in our billing system.

We and other utilities already take careful measures to prevent unauthorized access to computers that control critical transmission and generation systems. Cyber security is not new to us, and we routinely protect highly sensitive data from unauthorized access.

Smart meters offer better security by providing more frequent information about usage and possible meter tampering through alerts and alarms. Meter equipment is also secured with a lock and heavy-duty rings to prevent tampering.

The use of encrypted signals prevents unauthorized access to customer information or to equipment in customers’ homes or businesses.

Smart meters should not adversely affect the stability or performance of home wireless networks. Wi-Fi network devices operate on the unlicensed 2.4 GHz frequency band, while our smart meters operate in the 902-928 MHz range. In addition, the meters hop around frequencies in that range to avoid interference.

The FCC regulates all electronics to prevent one type of electronic equipment from interfering with other electronic and wireless devices that operate in the same frequency band. In the very unexpected situation if you do experience interference, here are some tips that may help resolve the issue:

  • Location: Separating interfering devices usually reduces interference, so make sure the wireless device is located as far from the smart meter as possible. Also, adjust the position of the antenna on the device, if possible, and move the wireless device away from any walls that may absorb the signal.
  • Frequency: In some instances, changing the operating frequency of your wireless devices will eliminate interference. For wireless enabled internet routers, a change to either Channel One or Channel Eleven is often effective. Wireless garage door openers, cordless phones, and other devices also often have a choice of channels or operating frequencies that can be selected to reduce or eliminate interference.

Manufacturer Installation Instructions: Check to ensure that your wireless device or devices have been installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Some manufacturers may recommend using a surge protection device.

The technology selected by us for our smart meter infrastructure sends a signal, via radio waves, “over the air.” This technology utilizes communications network devices (such as concentrators) that receive the signal from a large volume of meters then “hand-off” this data to a “take-out point” (gateway). Data is transferred from the gateway, via a third-party public provider, to us. These communications network devices are predominately mounted on electric distribution system poles.

Smart Meters and Safety Standards

The low-power radio equipment in our smart meters is certified by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), ensuring compliance with appropriate safety standards1. A smart meter communicates information about electricity use with other meters and with us by sending very brief radio frequency (RF) signals. The smart meter transmits for less than a minute each day. Cellular phones, walkie-talkies, and cordless phones have more power output and are also positioned close to the user for a longer period of time. Other common household devices that also use low-power radio signals include televisions, wireless internet systems, laptop computers, video game consoles, and baby monitors.

National and international organizations have developed exposure limits to ensure that these devices can be used safely. These were developed after comprehensive reviews of RF research. The organizations include the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. FCC have also developed safety standards. The RF signals from smart meters in typical installations are tens to hundreds of times below levels specified in the FCC regulations and in standards as safe for everyday exposure.

To learn more about radio technology and safety, visit the U.S. FCC website for radio frequency safety at

1The term “standards” refers to exposure limits recommended by scientific or health organizations that have reviewed and evaluated the relevant scientific research.

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