Economic Development Rate

Economic Development Rate

United Illuminating’s (UI) Economic Development Rate (EDR) provides a discount off distribution rates and is available to new commercial and industrial customers starting service new to UI’s service territory. The EDR is also available to existing commercial and industrial customers in UI’s service territory who are expanding and adding incremental electric load. ...

Eligibility-Who can subscribe?

The EDR is designed for manufacturers, industrial customers, wholesalers, distributors and businesses serving a regional, national or global customer base.

Local businesses are not eligible for the Economic Development Rate1.

Local business includes any business, who primarily serve a local community. These businesses focus on meeting the needs of customers in a defined locality. Some examples:

Retail shops and service companies.

Grocery stores.



Repair services.

Property management services.

Fitness centers.

The EDR provides a discount of 15% to 20% off new or incremental electric load 2.

The term of the EDR is 5 years.

The standard discount is 15% off distribution rates. A 20% discount off distribution rates is available to commercial and industrial customers bringing new or incremental electric load to a service address located in a distressed or environmental justice community.

To determine if your service address is in a distressed or environmental justice community, please refer to Connecticut Department of Energy and Environment’s mapping tool:

 CT DEEP Environmental Justice and Distressed Municipality Map


Application and Approval Process

Eligible commercial and industrial customers adding new or incremental load can apply online below or apply to by submitting the PDF application (Final UPRF001 EDR Application Form Fillable)

Please submit new or incremental load by completing the connected load form and submitting to along with your application: [EDR] Connected Load Profile form

Economic Development Rate Application Form

UI is required to run a financial hurdle rate for all subscribers to calculate incremental costs and incremental revenue for subscribers as part of the approval process. Costs to serve new and incremental load will be determined through an engineering consultation.

Once an approval decision is made on an application, subscribers will submit a signed enrollment form which includes the terms and conditions of the EDR program.

Economic Development Rate Subscriber Requirements

Subscriber must meet eligibility requirements. See eligibility and local commerce exclusions.

Subscribers must participate in at least one clean energy, grid modernization, or energy efficiency program3.

Subscriber must complete application for EDR and provide historical and forecasted loads. Historical load information should be at least 3 years or maximum available.

Subscriber must agree to provide information on employee headcount over the past 3 years or maximum time available. If employee headcount has decreased, a narrative explaining why.

Subscriber agrees to provide data on load, headcount, capital investment, and salary information on incremental jobs. This information should be provided confidentially on an annual basis while subscribed to EDR.

Subscriber agrees it will meet at least 80% of the forecasted new or incremental load within 3 years and 90% thereafter or else be subject to a pro-rated repayment of discounts over a period of 24 months after the end of the term.

Special Contracting Policy

If your businesses is distressed and contemplating relocating out of UI’s service territory, please inquire about potential distribution rate discounts through our special contract policy. Email:

Economic Development Rate Contacts

United illuminating


Phone:   203-499-3243

State of Connecticut Economic Development Agencies

If you would like information about additional economic development opportunities and programs offered through the State of Connecticut, you may contact the agencies below.

Advance CT           860-571-7136

DECD                      860-500-2300

CT Next                  860-258-7858

CT Innovations      860-563-5851



  1. “The EDR Rider shall be available to all C&I customers, without any cap on participation, subject to the exceptions listed below. Namely, the Company shall disallow C&I customers directly participating in local commerce (e.g., a new restaurant) where EDR participation may provide a financial advantage against other existing local businesses.”- Final Decision PURA DN# 22-08-08 p.252.
  2. Total discount cap of 50% of total incremental distribution revenue attributable to new or incremental load
  3. Such programs include but are not limited to any program or measure included in the Conservation and Load Management Plan; the Energy Storage Solutions Program; the EV Charing Program; the Residential Renewable Energy Solutions Program; and the Non-Residential Renewable Energy Solutions Program. 

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