CT Renewable Energy Solutions Interconnections

Connecticut Renewable Energy Solutions Interconnections

Information for installers interconnecting residential and non-residential projects in Connecticut for Renewable Energy Solutions.

What is Renewable Energy Solutions (RES)?

Renewable Energy Solutions is a Connecticut incentive program for solar and other renewable energy launched in 2022. Through this program, customers can sell power generated and any renewable energy certificates (RECs) to UI.

Note: Customers who installed solar before January 1, 2022, are participating in the Net Metering Program.

Residential Interconnections

System installers or their authorized agents are responsible for applying to the program on behalf of system owners and customers of record. This application process is a part of the interconnection process, but additional information is required. We review the program and interconnection applications at the same time.

After reviewing the program guidelines and completing the required forms, installers or other Authorized Agents on behalf of a customer can submit an Interconnection and Incentive Rate Application package through UI’s PowerClerk Renewable Energy Solutions Portal, which allows for tracking through the full project lifecycle.

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Individually Metered Multi-Family Affordable Housing properties are eligible to participate in the RRES program.

For the purposes of the RRES Program, a three-tier methodology is used for determining when multi-family housing is “affordable housing,” and, therefore, is considered a residential customer.

  • Tier I: Multi-family properties with 5 or more units that participate in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program (“LIHTC”) or that contain most households earning 80% or less of Area Median Income (“AMI”) as set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”).
  • Tier II: Multi-family properties with 5 or more units where more than 66% of the residents have a household income at or below 60% of State Median Income (“SMI”).
    • Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (“NOAH”): Multi-family properties with 5 or more units located in a HUD Qualified Census Tract (“QCT”). NOAH properties are considered Tier II.
  • Tier III: Multi-family properties with 5 or more units that apply for review by the Agencies is determined to meet the eligibility requirements of an affordable multi-family dwelling by the Agencies and are approved as an affordable housing facility by PURA. 

Residential Renewable Energy Solutions Program Manual

Solar installers will provide customers with a system size recommendation based on the highest average annual consumption over the last 5 years (60 months). More information can be found by clicking the link below.

Additional allowances may be requested for the standard expected kWh of up to two electric vehicles and a whole-home heat pump system, as listed here:

  • Electric Vehicle (per vehicle): 3,285 kWh
  • Whole-home air source heat pump: 3,608 kWh
  • Whole home ground source heat pump: 2,458 kWh

RRES Sizing Parameters

After reviewing the program guidelines and completing the required forms, installers or other Authorized Agents on behalf of a customer can submit an Interconnection and Incentive Rate Application package through UI’s PowerClerk Renewable Energy Solutions Portal, which allows for tracking through the full project lifecycle.

Interconnection Application

The package should include the signed 25 kW or less Interconnection application and other required attachments.

Residential Single Phase Certified Inverter-Based Generating Facilities, 25kW (AC) or Less

This type of interconnection and incentive rate process is for customers connected via single phase service. The proposed generator must be a certified inverter-based generator with an AC name plate rating of 25kW or less.

After reviewing the program guidelines and completing the required forms, installers or other Authorized Agents on behalf of a customer can submit an Interconnection and Incentive Rate Application package through UI’s PowerClerk Renewable Energy Solutions Portal, which allows for tracking through the full project lifecycle.

When applying for the program, you must submit specific forms based on the customer's selections.

Forms required for all applications:

  • Proof of 1-4 Family Property
    • HES/HES-IE assessment previously completed no document required
    • Copy of property assessors’ card for projects not qualifying for the HES/HES-IE assessment
    • Screen clip of real estate webpage (i.e. Zillow or Realtor.com) showing property type and the year property was built.
  • Proof of Alternate Assessment (if HES or HES-IE not completed or scheduled)
    • Department of Energy Home Energy Score Report
    • Weatherization Assistance Program proof (e-mail from State Agency or other documentation confirming date of completed assessment)
    • Copy of property assessors’ card for home built on/after January 1, 1980
  • Installer-Customer Contract (for installer’s first project annually)

Interconnection Application (included in the below PDF)

Identify the System Owner

Other forms as needed

Tariff Payment Beneficiaries

For the Buy-All Incentive, the customer of record may designate a payment beneficiary to receive a percentage of the total tariff compensation. This beneficiary cannot be the customer of record. If no beneficiary is designated, the customer of record will receive all incentives as monetary on-bill credits.

For the Netting Incentive, the customer of record can choose to receive a monetary on-bill credit for any energy exported to the electric grid and not consumed on-site or identify a Tariff Payment Beneficiary to receive Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) payments as direct payments once per quarter. The beneficiary can be either the customer of record or a third party.

Renewable Energy Solutions Tariff Application Fees:

≤25 kW Res. Renewable Energy Solutions Application Fee $129
>25 kW Bus. Renewable Energy Solutions Bid Fee $300
Tariff Payment Beneficiary Revision $22

Distributed Generation Interconnection Fees:

New 25 kW or less Application $200
Upgrade to Fast Track Application from 25 kW $300
New Fast Track Application $500
New Fast Track Application (2+ MW) $1,000
Additional Site Visit $150

Monthly Netting or Buy-All Metering Equipment:

REC Meter Fee 120/240 V single phase. Form 2S $181
REC Meter Fee 120/208 V single phase. Form 25S $274
REC Meter for Commercial and Industrial projects TBD

Access the current schedule of rates and riders as approved by the Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA).

When determining if solar is right for you, we recommend comparing multiple estimates from different solar installers. To help with your comparisons, click the link below for some average costs from applications approved for the Residential Renewal Energy Solutions (RRES) program over the last six months. Compare these costs to those included in your installation estimates and those listed on your Residential Renewable Energy Disclosure document. The average price is in $/kWh and is based on data from the previous six months.

Historical Rates, System Costs, and Program Data

The RRES program offers additional incentives (“adders”) if a customer’s household income is at or below 60% of the state median income or if their solar installation is in an economically distressed community. To review income eligibility guidelines, please visit uinet.com/HelpWithBill.

For basic information on adders and their eligibility criteria, visit our Residential Solar Incentives page. You may also review program guidelines in the Residential Renewable Energy Solutions Program Manual.

The Federal government offers additional tax credits for projects in qualifying areas through the Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program and the Energy Community Tax Credit Bonus. Federal incentives are in addition to RRES incentives and adders, allowing customers to maximize their incentive benefits. Click the link below to display the geographic overlap between Connecticut’s Distressed Municipality list and census tracts and codes that may be eligible for the additional Federal tax incentives.

Guidance for additional ITC adder and Tax Credit Bonus

The Connecticut environmental justice mapping tool may also be useful to those interested in environmental justice. The tool is an interactive resource that allows users to explore environmental health and socioeconomic conditions by region. Links to the tool and instructive user guides may be viewed here.

CT Renewable Energy Solutions - lower content

Energy Storage Solutions Program Information

If you are installing storage with your solar PV system, you may be interested in the Energy Storage Solutions incentive program. Energy Storage Solutions was designed to help our customers install energy storage in their homes and lower the cost of a battery by providing both upfront and performance incentives. To learn more, view program overview.

Non-Residential Interconnections

Resources for contractors interconnecting systems for non-residential customers.

Program information

Through Non-Residential Renewable Energy Solutions, Connecticut customers can offset the cost of the electricity with energy generated with renewable energy technologies.

Learn about Non-Residential Renewable Energy Solutions.

Additional program information for installers

Program overview

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