Low-Income Discount Rate (LIDR)

Low-Income Discount Rate (LIDR)

Low-Income Discount Rate 

At UI, we strive to provide you and your family with reliable and essential energy delivery, with several programs to assist financially with your bill.

The Low-Income Discount Rate (LIDR) is designed to help eligible residential customers facing financial hardship manage rising energy costs.

If you qualify, you'll receive a 10% (Tier 1) or 50% (Tier 2) discount on your current monthly charges.

Your new discounted rate will stay in place for a period of one (1) year from the effective date. Eligibility verification is required every year. You will receive a letter that it is time to reverify your eligibility sixty (60) days prior to the end of the one (1) year period.

For more information, please download the Low-Income Discount Rate (LIDR) Fact Sheet.

Qualifying for Financial Hardship and the LIDR

Eligibility and tier placement is determined by total household size and income and/or participation in an eligible benefits program by at least one member of your household. Eligibility will need to be verified yearly.   

To verify your eligibility, please submit proof of income for all adults over 18 years of age in your household or a letter certifying that at least one member of your household participates in an eligible benefits program.

Proof of income includes:

  • Unemployment
  • Employed (Weekly - last 4 pay stubs, Biweekly - last 2 paystubs, Monthly - last paystub)
  • Self-employed (most recent year 1099 Tax Form)
  • Social Security
  • Child support, pension, retirement, or other

Income Guidelines (Total household)


Tier 1 (10% discount)

(up to 60% State Median Income)

Tier 2 (50% discount)

(up to 160% Federal Poverty Guidelines)

Household size Annual income at or below Annual income at or below
1 $45,505 $24,096
2 $59,507 $32,704
3 $73,509 $41,312
4 $87,751 $49,920
5 $101,513 $58,528
6 $115,514 $67,136
7 $118,139 $75,744
8 $120,765 $84,352


Eligible Benefits Programs (At least one person)

Tier 1 (up to 60% State Median Income)

Medicare Savings Programs (MSP)
- Additional Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (ALMB)
- Special Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB)

Section 8 Housing; Rental Assistance 
Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP levels 2 and 3)  
Tier 2 (up to 160% Federal Poverty Guidelines)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)/Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); Temporary Family Assistance (TFA)
State Administered General Assistance (SAGA) DSS State Cash Assistance, State Supplement
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) State HUSKY A
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance
Medicaid or Access Health; HUSKY A, C, D Head Start
Financial Support from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Connecticut free or reduced lunch program
Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP level 1)

Medicare Savings Programs (MSP)
- Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program (QMB)


How to apply for the LIDR

Applying for LIDR is easy. Simply submit proof of income for all adults over 18 years of age in your household or a letter certifying that at least one member of your household participates in an eligible benefits program.

Documentation should include your account number and can be sent securely by:

United Illuminating
100 Marsh Hill Rd.
Orange, CT 06477


Additional Assistance is Available

Even if you do not qualify for LIDR, there may be more programs available to assist you with lowering your energy costs. For more information on our other assistance programs, please visit uinet.com/helpwithbill or contact us at 800.722.5584, Monday through Friday 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 

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