English Station Remediation

English Station Remediation

English Station is the site of a closed power generating plant in New Haven that was originally built in the late 1800's.

The "Site" is located at 510 Grand Avenue in the City of New Haven, Conn. and consists of approximately 8.9 acres of made-land on the southern end of an island (Ball Island) located within the Mill River. The entire Site is enclosed by steel bulkhead, except for the portion of the Site along Grand Avenue.

The portion of the Site identified as "Parcel A" (the northern portion) is approximately 3.58 acres in size. Parcel A is occupied by a portion of a former electrical generating plant commonly referred to as "Station B". Station B consists of the northern portion of a former power plant constructed circa 1890 and is a two-story structure that occupies a footprint of approximately 25,000 square feet. Station B is immediately adjacent to Grand Avenue, which runs along the Site's northern property boundary. Station B was a coal fired generating facility that ceased operation in 1903.

The boiler portion of Station B was demolished in the late 1930's. The remainder of the property, identified as "Parcel B", encompasses the southern portion of the Site and is approximately 5.32 acres in size. Parcel B occupied by the English Station power generating plant, which has an approximate footprint of 100,000 square feet. Parcel B was created in the 1920's by expanding the bulkhead structure to the southern and filling the interior to construct English Station.

The first generating units at English Station began operation in 1929 and the plant and island footprint underwent several expansions up to 1952. The plant ultimately housed 14 boiler units that were coal fired until the late 1950's, when they were converted to oil firing. The plant ceased operation in 1992.


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