Emergency Notification Procedure

Emergency Notification Procedure

Throughout the duration of the project, United Illuminating (UI) will be adhering to the state of Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protections’ (CT DEEP) strict protocols for safe remediation of PCBs, arsenic, lead and mercury and the state of Connecticut’s Department of Public Health’s (CT DPH) strict protocols for the safe remediation of asbestos.   

These contaminants were identified in previous environmental investigations of the site.  While the State has no specific guidelines for contaminants released through the air, UI will follow the same procedures as other site remediation efforts of this type.  UI and its contractors will comply with all requirements put forth by the CT DPH, to the fullest extent possible, in the interest of worker and public health & safety, throughout the duration of the project.  

Site protocols will include:

  • Contaminated soils will be excavated and disposed of at a permitted off-site disposal facility
  • During excavation, regular dust suppression and air monitoring will occur
  • Robust sedimentation and erosion controls will be in effect to ensure proper containment of contaminated soils  within the Site boundaries
  • Interior building abatement activities will be conducted under a negative pressure air filtration system designed to prevent escape of any contaminants from the building envelope.  These activities are subject to strict federal regulations from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and State regulations from CT DPH.  All wastes generated from abatement activities will be placed into sealed containers and shipped off-site for proper disposal at approved facilities
  • Supervisory oversight will be present at all times to ensure compliance with the work plan approved by CT DEEP and CT DPH

Should there be an event of significance at the site; the appropriate emergency personnel will be notified immediately.  At such time, the City of New Haven’s Major Incident Notification system will be activated, alerting the community of Fair Haven of any imminent danger.  If a significant event were to occur, the City’s plan would take priority and UI, its contractors and the abutters of the English Station facility would be expected to follow the orders set forth by the City’s Emergency Management team. All emergency messages will be broadcast 24/7 until the emergency has passed.

The City has a listing of households loaded into the Major Incident Notification system, however to ensure that you are included, please logon to CityofNewHaven/Alerts and sign up for the program.  A second path to sign up would be CityofNewHaven.com, click on Emergency Information, then click on Sign Up For Alerts.

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