Bridgeport 115kV Railroad Upgrades (Baird to Congress)

Bridgeport 115kV Railroad Upgrades (Baird to Congress)

About the project:

The Project will replace transmission structures on two line sections from Baird Substation in Stratford to Congress Substation in Bridgeport.  A majority of the new structures will be located within the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (“CDOT”) existing right-of-way. The remaining structures will require the acquisition of permanent easements.

The Project is in two sections:

  1. from Baird Substation in Stratford to Congress Substation in Bridgeport where the overhead transmission North Section line extends for approximately 2.3 miles east to west and
  2. from Baird Substation in Stratford to Congress Substation in Bridgeport, where the overhead transmission South Section line extends east to west for approximately 2.3 miles.



Fact Sheet


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