Pequonnock Substation Rebuild

Pequonnock Substation Rebuild

About this project:

On April 26, 2018, The United Illuminating Company (UI) filed an application with the Connecticut Siting Council, 10 Franklin Square, New Britain, CT, for the issuance of a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need to construct and operate a new electric substation and associated facilities in the City of Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut.

As part of efforts to protect the Connecticut electric grid from outages due to coastal flooding and storm damage and to implement upgrades to the bulk electric system in general, UI proposes to relocate and rebuild its existing Pequonnock Substation, located at 1 Atlantic Street. The Project entails the construction and operation of a new transmission / distribution substation approximately 0.15 mile to the west of the existing substation at 1 Kiefer Street, and the relocation of the existing transmission and distribution lines that connect to the substation. This effort will help to strengthen the transmission and distribution system in the Bridgeport area, allowing UI to continue to provide reliable service to our customers.

Details on the Project can be found on the Council’s website at:

Project construction will be completed by Q4 2024.

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