Outdoor Lighting Solutions

Outdoor Lighting Solutions

We offer many lighting solutions to choose from that add security and safety to your property and can beautify at the same time.

All solutions are available as either 3000 Kelvin (K) or 4000 Kelvin options.  


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Overhead lighting, flat glass Cobrahead, mounted on an existing utility pole, or a newly-installed wooden pole, leased or purchased by the customer.


This traditional roadway light can also be used in some area lighting applications. This fixture is used to reduce upward directed light. Cobraheads illuminate an elongated area.
The lighting pattern is wider to the sides of the pole than it is to the front or rear. In roadway applications, this pattern helps focus the majority of the fixture’s light on the road, allowing greater spacing between poles. Cobraheads are installed on 14' to 20' brackets, depending on how far the desired lighting area is from the pole.

Lamp Type

High Pressure Sodium (HPS) – Most efficient light available, appears as “yellow” light.

Metal Halide (MH)  – Appears as a “white” light. This style produces much better color rendering and should be used in applications where seeing the true color of objects is important.


Watts Lamp Type
50 to 400 HPS
175 to 400 MH
400 MH
1000 MH

Overhead lighting, mounted on an existing utility pole, or a newly-installed wooden pole, leased or purchased by the customer.


This is a popular choice for large open areas like parking lots, automobile sales lots, building facades and for security in large, non-paved areas. Floodlights illuminate in a pattern resembling a half circle, with very little light falling behind the fixture. They are available in a variety of mounting heights and positions and can be aimed and shielded to focus light on specific areas.

Lamp Type

High Pressure Sodium (HPS) – Most efficient light available, appears as “yellow” light.

Metal Halide (MH)  – Appears as a “white” light. This style produces much better color rendering and should be used in applications where seeing the true color of objects is important.


Watts Lamp Type
250 HPS
400 HPS
175 MH
250 MH
400 MH
1000 MH

Additional accessories available. Please inquire.

Our latest and most versatile outdoor lighting solution, the Mongoose can be installed in overhead applications. Overhead lighting, mounted on an existing utility pole, or newly installed wooden pole, leased or purchased by the customer.


The Mongoose Roadway and Area Lighting offers versatility and advanced optical systems in an aesthetically pleasing design. The ability to customize the Mongoose optics, tilt and mounting methods allow it to be used in a variety of applications, from highways to parking lots. With several optical configurations and tilt angles ranging from 0 - 45 degrees, the Mongoose provides unparalleled solutions for multiple lighting requirements. The Mongoose meets IESNA standards for full cut-off light distribution.

Lamp Type

High Pressure Sodium (HPS) – Most efficient light available, appears as “yellow” light.

Metal Halide (MH)  – Appears as a “white” light. This style produces much better color rendering and should be used in applications where seeing the true color of objects is important.


Watts Lamp Type
250 HPS*
400 HPS*
250 MH
400 MH

Additional accessories available. Please inquire.

Low-post lighting, underground, unmetered fixtures for new residential and condominium developments. Minimum of 5 installations required.


This sharp cutoff rectangular luminaire and aluminum pole are leased as a package. The mounting height ranges from 15’ to 20’, depending on your application. The simple, yet attractive look of Bronze Shoeboxes make them ideal for virtually any building or property, no matter what the style or era. The fixtures focus light into a well-defined pattern that is wider than it is long, making it ideal for narrow walkways.

Lamp Type

High Pressure Sodium (HPS) – Most efficient light available, appears as “yellow” light.

Metal Halide (MH)  – Appears as a “white” light. This style produces much better color rendering and should be used in applications where seeing the true color of objects is important.


Watts Lamp Type
100 HPS
250 HPS
400 HPS
175 MH
250 MH
400 MH

Additional accessories available. Please inquire.

An image showing an acorn shaped light

The Acorn is a decorative light that combines a distinctive architectural heritage with high-design standards and prismatic light control for maximum efficiency. Acorn lights have the classic elegance of streetlamps that adorned city avenues and plazas during the early 20th century. They feature globes that use prismatic refraction to help direct light beams.  




The Acorn provides low-lost lighting and is an underground-fed, unmetered fixture. It is mounted on either a round pole or a decorative, fluted pole. Both pole types are mounted on a precast concrete base on a 12’ or 14’ pole. It also comes with an up-light shield to minimize horizontal light above. The Acorn requires underground electric service, and a minimum of 5 installations are required. Additional accessories available. Please inquire. 

The Acorn illuminates an elongated area. Typical applications include municipalities, new residential and condominium developments, walkways, and roadways.  



Distribution Pattern Light Type Fixture Wattage
An image showing the distribution pattern of an acorn light
LED 45


Image showing a colonial light

The Colonial is a decorative post-top luminaire fixture that recaptures a tradition from decades ago. These fixtures have a classic design and are ideal for most outdoor areas and building styles. 





The Colonial provides low-post lighting, and is an underground fed, unmetered fixture that comes as a package that includes an aluminum pole with mounting heights from 15' to 20'. The Colonial requires underground electric service and a minimum of 5 installations are required. Additional accessories available. Please inquire. 

Colonials produce an even, circular lighting pattern around the fixture. Typical applications include walkways, parking lots, residential and condominium roadways and building areas.  



Distribution Pattern Light Type Fixture Wattage
An image showing the distribution pattern of a colonial light
LED 45


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