Outdoor Lighting Check-Up Form

Outdoor Lighting Request Form

Thank you for your interest in UI’s Outdoor Lighting (UIOL) program, an energy efficient lighting solution designed to illuminate your business, home, driveway or any area you choose.

To request a Private Area Outdoor Lighting upgrade, removal, or a new install, please complete the form below. Upon submission, a member of the UI Outdoor Lighting team will send you a packet with details of our offerings including price sheets, fixture details, and our Outdoor Lighting terms and conditions.

When you're ready to start the process, fill out the required information included in the packet and email it back to us at uilights@uinet.com.
*Note: This form is for private area outdoor lighting only. To discuss installation of a new streetlight, or request replacement, please contact your city or town hall.


Bottom check up

You can also reach us by phone at 866 99 LITES (866.995.4837) during normal business hours.

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