About Energy Analyzer

About Energy Analyzer

Targeted energy efficiency information, advice and support to help you achieve savings.

The online Energy Analyzer feature lets you take control of your utility bill by showing you how to reduce your energy usage, and assists you in setting up an energy savings plan. After completing a simple online energy audit you receive potential cost-saving improvements tailored to your home or business.

As you continue to make upgrades, based on these suggestions, you can track your progress towards your energy saving goal. With the proper resources, a commitment to energy-efficiency and support from United Illuminating you will be able to reduce your monthly energy usage.

Please visit the Energy Analyzer under My Account to get started. Once you sign into My Account, or register as a new user, you will have access to everything you need to make smart energy choices – and save money and energy.

It's Easy to See Your Monthly Success!

Low-Income Discount Rate

Our new Low-Income Discount Rate (LIDR) is designed to help eligible customers lower their electric bills. If you qualify, you will receive a 10% or 50% discount off your current monthly charges beginning with your December 2023 bill. View eligibility information and see how you can apply.

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