OASIS Transmission Service Information

OASIS & Transmission Service Information


United Illuminating's OASIS can be accessed at UI OASIS.


UI Transmission Services Information

The following supplements the ISO New England Open Access Same-Time Information System (ISO-NE OASIS) by providing UI specific information regarding transmission services. If you have any questions regarding this information or require a list of current UI point-to-point transmission service rates, please contact James Clemente at James.Clemente@uinet.com. Please include your daytime phone number when contacting UI by e-mail.

UI Local Point-to-Point Service

Pursuant to Schedules 8 and 9 of  Schedule 21-UI  under Section II of the ISO New England, FERC Electric Tariff No. 3, UI provides Local Point-to-Point Service from its Non-PTF (Local Network) Facilities to the regional ISO New England PTF system. The rate for Local Point-to- Point Service is posted on UI's offerings pages. 

Network Integration Transmission Service (Local Network Service)

Pursuant to Schedules 12 and 13 of  Schedule 21-UI  under Section II of the ISO New England, FERC Electric Tariff No. 3, UI provides Local Network Service for Load Connected to the Non-PTF and PTF Facilities.

Requests for Service
Requests for Long-Term Firm Transmission Service must be made in writing and either mailed or faxed to:

Attention: Transmission Tariff
The United Illuminating Company
180 Marsh Hill Road
Orange, CT 06477

Attention: Transmission Tariff
FAX: 203.499.3729

Transmission Service Applications & Agreements

Applications for Transmission Service

Transmission Service Agreements

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