UI Non-Wires Solutions

UI Non-Wires Solutions

What Are Non-Wires Solutions? 

In order to understand Non-Wires Solutions (NWS), it's helpful to first understand what Traditional Wires Solutions (TWS) are. TWS are the traditional wires and poles that have been used among utilities since the end of the 19th century to transmit and distribute energy. These systems carry electricity from production facilities to transformers, and eventually, to our customers' homes and businesses. 

Non-Wires Solutions (NWS), on the other hand, represent alternative electrical grid investments designed to defer or avoid the need to build or upgrade components of the distribution system. These technologies are commonly known as Distributed Energy Resources (DER). 

In summary, DER can be modular energy generation, energy efficiency, demand response, grid software and controls resources, storage technologies, or other resources that provide electric capacity where it’s needed.


Why Are Non-Wires Solutions Beneficial? 

Implementing Non-Wires Solutions (NWS) at the local level creates flexibility and could be particularly cost-effective, reducing the financial burden on our UI customers while ensuring system reliability. These solutions contribute to a more sustainable and innovative energy future for Connecticut State. 


UI Non-Wires Solutions Projects 

At UI, we are committed to maintaining a sustainable and reliable electric grid to meet future energy demands. We are actively supporting Connecticut's decarbonization goals, aiming to reduce statewide emissions by 45% by 2030 and 80% by 2050. Additionally, we are dedicated to achieving the regulatory objectives established by the Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA) for an Equitable Modern Grid. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about our project selections. 


Project Selection and Process  

Once a system need is identified by UI, a Request for Information or a Request of Proposal may be released. In the case of a Request for Proposal a winning bidder may be selected based on the results received. Our dedicated NWS team will select the winning proposal(s) based on the following criteria: 

  • Availability and Technical Reliability  
  • Project Applicability and Viability 
  • Contractor’s Credit and Qualifications 
  • Timeliness 
  • Customer Contribution  
  • Societal and Environmental Impacts  
  • Proposal’s Completeness 


As system needs and competitive solicitation efforts arise, details and dates will be published on this page. For any questions or inquiries, please contact us at  NWS@uinet.com. 

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