UI Reliability Dashboard
The interactive 2023 UI Reliability Dashboard is designed to help our customers monitor the performance and improvements of our utility and trends in electric system reliability over time. These reliability calculations assist us in developing plans to avoid future outages and to restore reliable flow of electricity to customers as quickly as possible.
The Dashboard provides an overview on the frequency and duration of outages and is broken into two parts: summary and towns.
- Summary: High-level overview of all towns in our service territory.
- Towns: Click on each respective name to see town-specific performance metrics.
Definitions associated for each reliability metric can be found by hovering over the information icon
- SAIFI: System Average Interruption Frequency Index (Average interruption rate) - Total # of customers affected/total # of customers served.
- SAIDI: System Average Interruption Duration Index (Average duration of interruptions) - Sum of all customer interruption durations/total # of customers served.
- CAIDI: Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (Average repair time of interruptions) - Sum of all customer interruption durations/total # of customers affected.
- CEMI: Customers Experiencing Multiple Interruptions - Percentage of customers that experience 3 or more interruptions in a 12-month period.
- CELID: Customers Experiencing Long Interruption Duration - Percentage of customers that experience one or more interruptions of 7 hours or more in a 12-month period.
Node: liferay-3:8080