Electric Vehicle FAQs

Electric Vehicle FAQ's



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Consult your vehicle manufacturer on the requirements for the car. The costs for charging your new vehicle will be included in your regular monthly utility bill – just like a new appliance. UI will not need to do anything differently before you can enjoy your PEV.

To have a lower rate during off-peak charging consider switching your home to a Time of Use rate. Contact UI for more information or see our Pricing section.


It varies by car, manufacturer and the type of charger used. For example:

  • A Level 1 charger provides charging through a standard 120V outlet. This type of charging may typically provide about 4 miles per hour of charge.
  • A Level 2 charger provides charging through a standard 240V outlet. This type of charging may typically provide about 25 miles per hour of charge.

Consult the auto and/ or charger manufacturer for more information.

Before purchasing a PEV, research where you can charge it. Contact your property management.


The State of Connecticut offers rebates on new electric plug-in electric vehicles of up to $3,000 for eligible vehicles through the Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate program. For more information visit the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection at ct.gov/deep/cwp/

Certain plug-in electric vehicles may be eligible for a Federal Tax Credit of up to $7,500. Visit fueleconomy.gov/feg/taxevb for more information.

Normal U.S. voltage for an appliance (such as a hair dryer) is 120 volts.  Level 1 electric vehicle charger is 120V.  Higher U.S. voltage for larger appliances (such as an electric clothes dryer) is 240 volts.  Level 2 electric vehicle charger is 240V.  Level 2 chargers will recharge a vehicle at a faster rate.

Consult your vehicle manufacturer on the requirements for the car and a licensed electrician for questions about your home electrical outlet needs.


The State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection hosts a website dedicated to electric and alternative fuel vehicle adoption in the State. The website contains a wealth of information for consumers who are considering purchasing a plug-in electric vehicle. Visit ct.gov/deep/cwp/ Also see the Related Links and Other Resources section of UI’s Plug-in Electric Vehicle page.

Any questions related to a specific car or questions about car comparisons should be directed to the auto manufacturer. Specific questions about fuel cell technology or any alternative fuels can be directed to the Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center.

It will be included in your overall monthly kWh usage.


Numerous studies have shown that a large number of PEVs could be on the grid at one time. UI is incorporating the additional usage of PEVs in our electricity load forecasting.

For a vehicle that can be charged at 120 volts, you can use a standard outlet with an appropriate adapter. You should consult a licensed electrician to ensure your wiring will allow you to do so.

Charging a vehicle will be done typically overnight at home.  Public charging stations are becoming more and more available. The following website lists charging station locations: afdc.energy.gov/afdc/fuels/electricity_locations.html

Every location will vary. Contact your local officials to find out.

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