UI Matching Payment Plan

UI Bill Forgiveness Program

Our Bill Forgiveness Program (BFP) helps limited-income customers maintain their service year-round. It provides an opportunity for customers to reduce or eliminate past-due balances in as few as 12 and up to 36 months.

Who Qualifies

UI residential customers with an income at or below 60% of the state median income and a balance of $100 or more that is 60 days in arrears.

Guidelines and Benefits

  • Customer agrees to and pays budgeted amount each month
  • 100% dollar match of all payments made
    • Matches take place at the time the payment is made
    • Match may not result in a credit balance
    • Up to a 36 month program or until a zero balance is reached, whichever comes first


Call our Care Center at 800 7 CALL UI (800.722.5584) for more information.


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