Customer Door Hanger (text)

Customer Door Hanger (text)



We want to work with you as we perform vegetation management work to prevent outages and protect public safety.

We work with property owners and local tree wardens to manage vegetation, so we can keep the power safely on while respecting the needs of our communities and customers. We need your help as we work in your neighborhood to prevent power outages and protect public safety.

Here's what you can do:

  • Read the enclosed materials carefully.
  • Call or email the contractor listed on the enclosed form to discuss the work plan and register your response.
  • You may also respond by filling out the enclosed Customer Response form.
  • Put both completed WHITE copies of the response form back into this pocket and hang it back on the door where you found it within two days.
  • If you object to the proposed work, you must send the YELLOW copy to your local tree warden or the state Department of Transportation (DOT) commissioner, as specified on the form.
  • Keep the PINK copy for your records.

For program information and frequently asked questions, visit or email us at

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