

PRIME: Process Reengineering for Increased Manufacturing Efficiency

Make your manufacturing operations more productive with “lean manufacturing” training. You’ll learn techniques to streamline product flow, eliminate or reduce waste, improve production efficiency, minimize environmental impact and reduce energy consumption.

Traditionally, manufacturers operate on a “push” basis – accumulating excess inventory and scrambling to find customers so they can push the product out. Lean manufacturing techniques promote a “pull” approach – producing to the customer’s immediate needs. This approach reduces costs and ultimately is better for customers.

Access to this type of specialized training is often limited to very large businesses that have the foresight and resources to invest in the training. Now, with support from us, the PRIME program makes lean training available to more manufacturers. With technical and financial assistance, you can apply lean techniques to your business. Besides reducing costs and streamlining your operations, you’ll be taking steps to determine your energy future.

How it Works

Steps to Take Smart Energy Action

Step 1 -

Call your UI account executive or 877.WISE.USE (877.947.3873) for a list of participating contractors. UI has contracted with several companies who will provide a no-cost survey of your entire manufacturing process.

Step 2 -

Schedule your no-cost survey with a company from the authorized list. The survey will examine your entire manufacturing process and determine if there are opportunities to save energy and optimize your processes.

Step 3 -

If the no-cost survey reveals opportunities that will lead to verifiable energy use reductions, your company will be eligible for funding of “lean manufacturing” training events through the PRIME program. These training events, held at your facility, teach the fundamentals of lean manufacturing and facilitate implementation of process changes to eliminate waste and improve efficiency. The extent of the funding available to offset the cost of the lean manufacturing training is based on the estimated kilowatt-hour savings.

Who is Eligible

UI industrial and manufacturing customers – with a SIC code of 2000-3999 – are eligible.

Your business must be pre-qualified by a no-cost survey performed by a company authorized by UI’s PRIME program administrator.

Starting the process is easy. Just contact your UI account executive or call 877 WISE USE (877.947.3873) for a list of participating contractors.

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