Multifamily Initiative

Save Energy Throughout Your Multifamily Building’s Apartments and Common Areas
We are in the process of resuming Energy Efficiency program activities after temporary suspension due to COVID-19. We're taking extra measures to ensure the safety of our customers, contractors and employees and continue to follow regional and federal health and safety guidelines.
Thank you for your interest in our programs.
Reduce energy and operating costs and make the multifamily property you own or manage more comfortable and environmentally friendly with the Multifamily Initiative.
A Holistic Approach for Multifamily Energy Efficiency
This program provides customized solutions for multifamily buildings or complexes with five or more units, and includes:
- Assistance with energy efficiency upgrade projects already planned
- An assessment of your building's energy-saving opportunities
- Resources to support in-depth assessment of a full range of strategies for further improvements including solar and other renewable energy, as well as health and safety measures
- Incentives and financing for energy efficiency upgrades
A Step by Step Guide to Receive Multifamily Assistance
Provide your contact information and any project information with this application .
For energy efficiency projects, submit it to your electric utility company. The Multifamily initiative gives the owners and managers of the buildings below access to multiple energy-efficiency programs through a UI program administrator. Both natural gas and electric efficiency measures will be considered.
For renewable energy and/or financing projects only, submit your application to the Green Bank. If your application is for both energy efficiency and renewable energy or financing, submit it to both your UI and the Connecticut Green Bank
At this point, if you already have an energy efficiency or renewable energy project, additionally submit any project proposal(s) and a completed Project Form to your electric utility company (for energy efficiency projects) and to the Connecticut Green Bank (for projects including renewable energy and/or financing). After we’ve helped you address this proposal, if you’d like to evaluate your property in a more holistic way, follow the steps below.
Need help designing your project?
Once you’ve completed Step 1 above, a UI or Green Bank representative (as appropriate) will contact you. A professional consultant or in-house representative is available to visit your property to identify the cost-effective energy improvement opportunities that make the most sense for your property. Technical and financial assistance is available through the Multifamily Initiative for a wide variety of design and predevelopment tasks, including:
Potential Measures Assessed
- Air sealing
- Domestic hot water saving measures
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Insulation
- Windows
- High-efficiency heating, ventilation or air conditioning
- ENERGY STAR® appliances
- High-efficiency water heating systems
- Energy saving control strategies on building equipment
- Solar PV and other renewable energy systems
Technical & Financial Assistance Available
- Energy benchmarking
- Green design and charrettes
- Assessment of capital improvements
(including green physical needs assessments (PNAs)) - Assessments of energy-related health and safety issues
- Designing, engineering, and bidding work
- Predevelopment loans
- Financial packaging
Using the recommendations from the energy assessment and any technical assistance you select, design and price a comprehensive project that will maximize your energy savings, as well as the incentives and financing you will receive.
If your project qualifies based on your submitted proposals, plans, specifications, and pricing, you will receive a commitment of incentive dollars and, if requested, an offer for financing the balance of the project cost. You can also provide your own financing or explore one of these sources. After construction and required inspections are complete, incentives are paid.
It is recommended that owners track utility use and verify that equipment is working properly during the warranty period and beyond.
Multifamily Initiative Property Eligibility
Existing properties of five or more residential units may be eligible for the Multifamily Initiative. The Multifamily initiative gives the owners and managers of the buildings below access to multiple energy-efficiency programs through a UI program administrator. Both natural gas and electric efficiency measures will be considered.
The following types of properties are eligible:
- Apartment buildings and complexes
- Condominiums and co-operatives
- Congregate and senior housing
- Mixed-use residential and commercial properties
Questions? Contact UI at 877.WISE.USE (877.947.3873) or email the Connecticut Green Bank.
Multifamily Initiative Features Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Projects
ENERGY STAR is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 20 years, people across America have looked to the ENERGY STAR program for guidance on saving energy, saving money, and protecting the environment. Home Performance with ENERGY STAR is a systematic approach to improving energy efficiency and comfort in homes, while reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.
Join the millions already making a difference at
This initiative is one of several innovative solutions offered by the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund, an Energize CT partner, and administered by UI.
For more information call 877.WISE.USE (877.947.3873).