Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about Variable Peak Pricing? Wondering what your options are to pay your bill? Find your answers, and others, below.


Asset Publisher

If you are not receiving your email notification that your bill is ready, please check your spam/junk folder to ensure your email client is not blocking our email notification.  Also, check that your bill preference setting is set for eBill, not paper bill.

Emails are sent instantly; if you have not received the email with your Username yet, check your spam folder.

Yes. When you have a payment arrangement, you've agreed to make payments of a certain amount for a certain amount of time. You can set up recurring payments accordingly to ensure you don't miss a payment. 

Customers enrolled in My Account can activate the  eBill option and schedule recurring and single payments without charges and without fees. 

If you pay your bill through your bank's online payment system, there are no charges imposed by UI for receiving electronic payments.

Any customer can pay an individual bill via UI's website or via phone regardless of being enrolled in My Account.  If you make a payment outside of enrolling in My Account, there will be a convenience fee charged by our payment provider.  UI does not receive any portion of the convenience fee:

Account Type Convenience Fee

  • Residential Accounts $3.95
  • Commercial Accounts $6.50

The convenience fee will be the same regardless of the amount paid. To make a one-time payment subject to a convenience fee, click the Make a Payment link on our home page. The convenience fee will be added to your payment and appear on your credit card or bank statement as ""UINET / EZ-PAY"".

Before you can add bank information to your My Account profile, you must be enrolled in My Account and have the eBill option activated. See How do I enroll in My Account? and How do I change my Pay Online option? for details. Payment via credit or debit card is not available using My Account.

To add a UI Account to your profile, see How do I add a UI account to my profile?

You can add or delete bank accounts. To change bank information, delete the old bank account entry and add a new one. Once you add a bank account to your profile, you can schedule payments using that account immediately.

If you are adding a savings account, the bank routing number is found on your deposit slip.

Many credit unions do not have an official "BA Routing Number" on their checks. If this is the case, please call your credit union. You’ll need this number to enter in the "Bank Routing Number" field.

To add bank account information in your My Account profile:

  • Login to My Account
  • If you have multiple UI accounts, select any account to display
  • Click the ‘Billing’ tab and the ‘Payment’ tab
  • Click 'Payment Accounts'

To update your payment information, please perform the following steps:

  • Please sign-in to My Account and click on the “Billing Tab"
  • Select "Payments" from the top menu bar
  • Scroll and select "View Payment Accounts"
  • Delete your method of payment (Bank/Credit Card)
  • Add your new credit card and/or bank account information

Please note: Any recurring payment profiles must also be updated to reflect the changes.

If you have misplaced or did not receive your bill, you can obtain a copy of your bill in one of the following ways:

  • If you are a My Account customer, log into My Account, UI's online bill and energy management system to print a copy of the bill in question.
  • Call UI's Automated Action Line at 800.676.7052 to request a copy of your bill to be mailed to you.
  • Call Customer Care at 1-800-7-CALL-UI 800.722.5584 and speak with a Customer Care representative.
  • Send an email to Customer Care

You can then pay your bill online , Mail In Your Payment  or Pay Your Bill In Person .


No.  With My Account, you can be notified when your bill is ready and see it online without setting up a recurring payment schedule. You can elect to receive your bill online when you add a UI account to your profile, or later at any time.

To change an existing account to receive your UI bill online:

  • Logon to My Account
  • Click on Profile
  • At the bottom of the page, click the 'Edit' link for the account you wish to change
  • Check the 'Turn Paper Bill Off' option
  • Click the 'Save' button

To view your bills online, you must enroll in My Account. From My Account, you can view your bills and payment history. You can also schedule recurring payments  to pay your bills automatically using My Account's Pay Online feature, or pay your bills individually.

You must be enrolled in My Account to activate the eBilling option and schedule payments for free using a checking or savings account. See How do I enroll in My Account? for details. Credit and debit card payment options are not available in My Account.

You can change your billing preferences at any time. Once you activate the eBill option for your UI account, you will stop receiving bills for that account in the mail. My Account will send you an email each month informing you that your bill is ready for payment. You can view and print your current and past bills from the 'Bill History' tab.

When you deactivate the eBill option for a UI account, you will go back to receiving paper bills in the mail for that account.

To change your Pay Online setting for an account:

  • Login to My Account
  • Click on My Profile
  • At the bottom of the page, click the 'Edit' link for the UI account you wish to change
  • Turn eBill off
  • Click the 'Save' button

To access your payment history, you must be enrolled in My Account.  To see your payment history, go to the ‘Billing’ tab and the ‘Payment’ tab in My Account.  All payments posted to your account within the last two years are listed.

When you make a one-time payment, the convenience fee is added to your payment and appears on your credit card or bank statement as "UINET / EZ-PAY".

To view and print current and past bills, you must be enrolled in My Account. To access your bill history within My Account, go to the ‘Billing’ tab in My Account.  All bills sent within the last two years are listed.

To enroll in My Account, see How do I enroll in My Account?

To update your bank information, please perform the following steps:

  • Please sign-in to My Account and click "Pay"
  • Select "Payments" from the top menu bar
  • Scroll and select "View Payment Accounts"
  • Select "Edit" for your method of payment 
  • Edit your payment information accordingly

Yes.  You can make online payments without incurring convenience fees through My Account. After enrolling in My Account and adding bank information to your profile, you can make free payments using a checking or savings account.  If you enroll in My Account, you will no longer receive your bill in the mail - you will instead receive email notifications when your bill is available online.

Once you have activated eBill and have added bank information, you can either create a recurring payment that will automatically schedule payments when future bills are received, or you can schedule individual single payments yourself.

You cannot make payments using credit or debit cards via My Account. 

If you've forgotten your user id or password, go to the login page for My Account. In the My Account login box (on the left) select the "Forgot User Id" or "Forgot Password" link. You'll be asked to enter information to validate you are the account holder.

Once your identity has been verified, an email will be sent to your email address with your requested information.

Computer security experts advise that you may put your information at risk when you use a public computer for personal business. While UI uses numerous security measures to protect your personal information on our website, the use of public computers may compromise the security of your information. Public computers include those in schools, libraries, Internet Cafe's, etc.

For maximum security, you may want to avoid using public computers when entering or modifying your personal or banking information.

If you received an email from UI regarding a payment transaction, it usually means the bank information in your My Account profile needs to be changed.  When you added your bank information, not all of the information entered was validated at that time.  Some information, such as the account number and name on the account, is not validated until a payment is submitted.

After you enter your account information, you cannot see what you entered as your account number except for the last four digits.  This is done for your protection.  If you are certain your account number was entered exactly as it appears on your statements, contact your bank for information on why it issued a code.  Only your bank can tell you what was wrong and how your account information must appear when making electronic payments.

For instructions on how to change the bank information in your My Account profile, see How do I add or change bank account information?

Below are the most common codes encountered.  Other codes exist that are not listed here.  For more detailed information on the code or what you must change to address it, contact your bank.



(codes starting with C)

Your bank has allowed the payment transaction, but the noted error must be corrected or future payment transactions may be rejected. Your bank has allowed your payment to process this time, but may reject future payments if corrections are not made.

C01 - Incorrect Account Number: The account number supplied is incorrect. The correct account information is noted immediately after the error message.

C02 - Incorrect Transit/Routing Number:

The bank transit or routing number is incorrect. The correct information is noted immediately after the error message. Example: Due to merger or consolidation, a once valid Transit/Routing Number must be changed.

C03 - Incorrect Transit/Routing Number and Incorrect Account Number: The bank transit or routing number and the account number are incorrect. The correct information is noted immediately after the error message with the bank transit/routing number printing first followed by the account number. Example: Due to merger or consolidation, a once valid transit/routing number must be changed, and in most instances this change will cause a change to the account numbering structure.

C04 - Account Name Change:

The name on the account has changed. The new name is noted immediately after the error message.

C05 - Incorrect Transaction Code:

The transaction code is incorrect. The new transaction code is noted immediately after the error message.  If you received this transaction code, it usually means you have selected the wrong type of account (checking/savings) in your bank information. The available transaction codes are as follows:

Checking Debits: 27;

Saving Debits: 37;

C06 - Incorrect Account Number and Transaction Code:

The account number and transaction codes are incorrect. Refer to C0l and C05 for specific instructions.

C07 - Incorrect Transit/Routing Number, Account Number and Transaction Code:

The transit/routing number, account number and transaction codes are all incorrect. Refer to C0l, C02 and C05 for specific instructions.



(codes starting with R)

Your bank has rejected your payment.

R01 - Insufficient Funds: The available and/or cash reserve balance is not sufficient to cover the dollar value of the debit entry.

R02 - Account Closed: A previously active account has been closed by action of the customer or the bank.

R03 - No Account/Unable to Locate Account: The account number structure is valid and it passes the check digit validation, but the account number does not correspond to the individual identified in the entry, or the account number designated is not an open account.

R04 - Invalid Account Number: The account number structure is not valid. The entry may fail the check digit validation or may contain an incorrect number of digits.

R07 - Authorization Revoked by Customer: The bank's customer, who had previously authorized recurring withdrawals, has revoked the authorization with the Originator for this particular transaction.

R08 - Payment Stopped: The Receiver of a recurring debit transaction has the right to stop payment on any specific ACH debit.

R09 - Uncollected Funds/Reserve Balance: Sufficient book or ledger balance exists to satisfy the dollar value of the transaction, but the dollar value of transactions in the process of collection (i.e., uncollected checks) brings the available and/or cash reserve balance below the dollar value of the debit entry.

R10 - Customer Advises Not Authorized: The bank has been notified by its customer that the Originator of a given transaction has not been authorized to debit his account.

R12 - Branch Sold to Another bank: Branch has been sold to another bank and no longer maintains the account.

R13 - Bank Not Qualified to Participate: bank not qualified to participate or the Routing Number is not valid. Invalid routing numbers begin with the number 4 and above. Typically invalid routing numbers are taken from a deposit slip rather than a voided check.

R14 - Account-holder Deceased: The account-holder is deceased. No additional payments should be made from this account.

R16 - Account Frozen: The funds in the account are unavailable due to specific action taken by the bank or by legal action.

R20 - Non-Transaction Account: The ACH entry destined for a non-transaction account would include either an account against which transactions are prohibited or limited or a pass-through where the entry is for a credit union or thrift organization. Typically this error code is received for savings accounts where electronic payments are not allowed.

The eBill feature of My Account is for customers who want to pay their UI bill without fees. You can schedule payments automatically, make fixed payments on a regular schedule, and schedule payments individually. Payments are made for free using bank accounts only and are processed on the date the payment is scheduled for, or the following business day if it falls on a weekend or holiday. This means a payment scheduled for Saturday will be processed on Monday, appearing on your account Tuesday. To schedule fee-free payments, you must be enrolled in My Account. 

One-time payments are 'real-time' transactions. The account you pay with is debited immediately. A one-time payment requires a charged by the payment provider. The advantages are you can pay using a credit or debit card, and 'real-time' payments are regarded by UI as being made the current day. This is important if your service is scheduled to be disconnected that day. To make a one-time payment subject to a convenience fee, click the Make a Payment link on our home page.

Removing a UI account from your profile will delete any recurring payment schedules for that account. It will also delete any payments currently scheduled for that account. To determine if you have a payment already scheduled, see How do I see, cancel or change my scheduled payments? for details.

Budget Billing Plan customers can set up recurring payments through My Account for the budget amount. The budget amount will be your amount due.  Setting recurring payments to pay the amount due on the due date will pay the budget amount. See How do I enroll in My Account? and How do I set up recurring payments? for instructions.

When you are registered with My Account and have set eBill, you will be sent a notification email at the address in your My Account profile when your bill becomes available online.  For instructions on how to check the email address on your My Account profile, see How do I change my user name, password or email address on My Account?

If you are not receiving notification emails at the address in your My Account profile, check the spam blocker settings on your email account.  Bill notification emails are sent from a different email address from some other email you may have received from UI.  Set your spam blocker to allow email from  See your spam blocker documentation for instructions on how to allow email from certain sources.

Once you activate eBill for a UI account in your profile, you can add bank information and schedule recurring payments against any bank account in your My Account profile.  See How do I add or change bank account information? for more information and instructions on adding bank information.  Payment via credit or debit card is not available using My Account.

To add a UI Account to your My Account profile, see How do I add a UI account to my profile?

There are no fees to set up or make recurring payments.

When eBill is active, you will no longer receive bills by mail for that account. My Account will send you an email each month informing you that your bill is ready for viewing online.

When you set up recurring payments, payments for future bills will be created automatically.  To pay your current bill, you must schedule a payment separately.  See Can I pay my bill without any payment fees?  for instructions.  You will not receive notifications when payments are created for a particular bill.

To set up recurring payments:

  • Login to My Account
  • If you have multiple UI accounts, select any account to display
  • Click the ‘Billing’ tab
  • Click the ‘Payment’ Tab within the ‘Billing’ tab
    • Click 'Add Recurring Payment'
  • Select the UI and bank accounts to use for making payments
  • Select payment options
  • Click the Submit button

Payments can be scheduled up to and including the due date on your bill. Payments will be processed after business hours on the payment date, and appear on your account the following business day.

To change your My Account password log in to My Account and click on the "Profile" tab. Select the Change password option, enter your new password and click the update button.

Please note: Your new password must be at least six characters and use a mix of letters, numbers and characters. Passwords are case sensitive.

To help decide how to make your payment, see for information on when payments are processed and what payments are subject to fees.

My Account customers who have activated can schedule a single payment without convenience fees immediately after adding bank information to their My Account profile. You can even schedule a single payment for today. This is free of charge, and can be made from any bank account in your My Account profile.

One-time payments are single payments made outside of My Account. They can be made with a checking or savings account, or with a credit or debit card. You do not have to be enrolled in My Account to make a one-time payment, but there is a convenience fee charged by our payment provider for using this service. To make a one-time payment subject to a convenience fee, click the Make A Payment link on our home page.

You can access My Account from any computer running a supported version of the Windows or Apple operating system with an internet connection and web browser that supports 128-bit encryption.


We require that you have 3rd party cookies enabled in your Web browser. "Cookies" allow us to create a "session id" which ensures a secure link between your browser and our servers. For instructions on how to enable 3rd party cookies in your browser, download the appropriate PDF file for your browser. You must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer to view the file.

If you get the following error message:

Your session has been terminated for one of the following reasons:

  • There was no browser activity for an extended period of time and you were automatically logged off to protect the confidentiality of your account information.
  • Your web browser is blocking cookies.
  • There was a problem with the requested web page.
  • If your browser is set to block cookies, you will need to change your privacy settings to allow 3rd party cookies.
  • Otherwise, you will only need to log in again to continue using this web site.
  • Close all open browsers on your desktop, then try again. This often happens when you have logged in previously. Session ids from a previous login often interfere with a subsequent login, even if you logged out properly in the previous session. Closing all of your browser windows is necessary to clear any session id created during a previous login.

Microsoft Internet Explorer users:

You will generally need version 11 or higher with the latest patches applied. You will also need the current service pack for your version of the Windows operating system. All currently supported versions of Internet Explorer support 128-bit encryption.

Firefox users:

You will need version 26 or higher running under Windows. All versions of Firefox on Windows support 128-bit encryption.

Safari users:

You will need version 5.1 or higher running under Windows or IOS. All currently supported versions of Safari on Windows support 128-bit encryption.

If our homepage does not display correctly on your browser, you will need to apply the latest updates to your browser. For instructions on how to update your browser, download the appropriate PDF file for your browser. You must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer to view the file.

To cancel a single recurring payment, go to the 'Payment History' tab in My Account. You can cancel any payment that is listed on the Payment History page as "Scheduled". Once the payment has a status of "pending", it cannot be cancelled.

To cancel a recurring payment schedule for an account:

  • Login to My Account
  • Select the account you want to pay
  • Click the ‘Billing’ tab
    • Click the ‘Payment’ tab
  • Click 'Recurring Payments'
  • Use the Delete button on the right of the recurring payment schedules to delete automatic payments for that account

To see online payments, go to the ‘Billing’ tab in My Account and click on the ‘Payment Tab’. You can cancel or change any payment that is listed on the Payment History page as "Scheduled". Once the payment has a status of "pending", it cannot be cancelled or changed.  After the payment is processed, your history page will show the payment as either "approved" or "rejected".

If you have recurring payments set up for an account, a payment will be created when you receive your next bill. To pay your current bill, schedule a single payment for that bill. For more information on recurring payments, see 

To see past and future scheduled payments for an account:

  • Login to My Account
  • If you have multiple UI accounts, select any account to display
  • Click the ‘Billing’ tab and the ‘Payment’ Tab
  • Click the 'Payment History' tab

When you receive a refund depends on how your payment was made:

If you paid by We will
Check  Mail a check within 7 business days
My Account Payment (Single or Recurring) Mail a check within 7 business days
Automated Payment through your bank or other source Mail a check within 7 business days
One-Time payment using a Credit/Debit Card Credit your account within 3 business days
One-Time payment using a Bank Account Card Credit your account within 3 business days

No. You can make a one-time payment toward your current bill without registering for My Account.  However, there is a convenience fee charged by our payment provider for making one-time payments. You can avoid convenience fees by registering in My Account and making scheduled payments from there.

Any recurring payments already scheduled for that bank account will be cancelled if their payment status is "scheduled". All recurring payment schedules will also be cancelled. You can check your scheduled payments to verify they have been cancelled. You also check any recurring payment schedules for that account. You must then make other arrangements to pay your current bill.

To view your bill in My Account, please upgrade to the latest browser version supported by your operating system and adjust your browser settings to allow third-party cookies. Safari users will need to un-check “Block cross-site tracking."

For the fastest way to view and pay your bill, download our mobile app in the App Store or Google Play Store. The links to the app stores are at the bottom of all pages.

When you click a button on our website to "View Bill," a document in Portable Document Format (PDF) is added to your downloads folder of your computer or device. For instructions on how to manage downloads in your browser, it is best to use the help feature. Here are some links that may also be helpful for the most popular browsers: 

My Account uses several methods to ensure that your information is secure:

User ID and Password: Your User ID and password are unique identifiers that only you know. As long as you don't share your user name and password with anyone, no one can view your bills or personal information.

SSL: My Account uses SSL (secure socket layers) which ensures that your connection and information are secure from outside inspection.

Encryption: My Account uses 128-bit encryption to make your information unreadable as it passes over the Internet.

Automatic Sign Out: My Account automatically signs you out of a session if you are inactive for 20 minutes.

No. At this time, you cannot download your bill or payment information into money management programs.

If you have set up recurring payments, you can turn them off at anytime from My Account. You can also check your scheduled payments in My Account for any that have not yet processed.

To see payments that have already posted to your account, see How can I check if a payment was posted to my account?

If you think you have accidentally paid your bill twice, you can:

  • Log into My Account.
  • Go to My Dashboard and click Pay Now.
    • Go to the My Payment tab.
    • If the Action field shows that your payment has not been processed, you can edit or cancel it.  Or
  • Do nothing and UI will automatically apply the additional payment to your next bill. Or
  • Contact Us and request a refund.

Please note that UI cannot send a refund until your payments have been processed.

Yes. Once you have entered your bank information, you can set up recurring payments and schedule single payments immediately. See How do I add or change bank account information? for details.

Once you activate eBill for your account, you will no longer receive paper bills by mail. My Account will send you an email each month informing you that your bill is ready for payment. You can view and print your current and past bills from My Account.

Before you can add an additional UI account to your My Account profile, you must first be enrolled in My Account. See How do I enroll in My Account? for details.

There is no limit to the number of UI accounts you can add to your profile. To add a UI account to your My Account profile:

  • Logon to My Account
  • Check that the account you want to add has not been added already.
  • Click on the Profile tab
    • Click on Add Account in the toward the bottom of the page to add accounts to your profile
  • Enter the Account Number, Customer Name Key, and billing address.  See How do I enroll in My Account? for more information.
  • Click the Add Account button at the bottom of the page

When you activate recurring payments, each time you get a bill, a payment is scheduled for it according to your profile settings. If you get your monthly bill, then a final bill when you close your account, you will have two bills and two scheduled payments. When you close your account, you can cancel the scheduled payment for the monthly bill. See How do I cancel a recurring payment? for details. When you get the final bill, check that a payment has been scheduled for it. See How do I see, cancel or change my scheduled payments? for details.

If both payments are made before you have a chance to cancel a payment, a refund will be sent to you automatically.

To change information on your My Account profile:

  • Logon to My Account
  • Click on 'My Profile' in the gray navigation bar toward the top
  • Update your user name and/or email address
  • Click the 'Change Password' button to change your password
  • Click the Save button

If you forgot your user id, call Customer Care at 800-7-CALL-UI 800.722.5584 or use the Submit a Question tab to submit a request to our Customer Care department. Be sure to include your UI account number and service address.

If you forgot your password, see I forgot my password. How do I retrieve this information? for information on how to obtain your login information.

To change the information on your UI account (i.e. mailing address, name on account, etc.) you will need to Contact Us . Please note, only the customer of record or those individuals authorized by the customer of record can change account information.

To add a UI Account to your profile, see How do I add a UI account to my profile?

Enrolling in My Account allows you to pay your UI bill at no charge using a checking or savings account. Credit or debit cards cannot be used to make payments from within My Account.

To enroll in My Account, you will need the following information from your bill:

  • Account Number
  • Customer Name Key
  • Billing Address (where the bill is mailed to)

If you are a new UI customer, you cannot enroll until you receive your first bill.  If you do not have a bill with your account number, send us an email via the Submit a Question, or contact us .

When entering your Customer Name Key, enter the information in capital letters, exactly as it appears on your bill. When entering your account number, do not include dashes or spaces.

If you get a message stating your account is already registered, contact us. Many customers have registered in the past to access UI's Bill Analyzer, and have forgotten their user id.

Once enrolled, you can add additional UI accounts  to your profile.

Once you have enrolled and activated the E-bill option, you can add bank information  and make online payments  to any UI account in your profile immediately.  Only payments from checking and savings accounts are possible through My Account. You cannot make payments using credit or debit cards through My Account.

If you choose to pay your bill online, you will stop receiving bills in the mail. Instead, you will receive an email notifying you when your bill is ready.  You can still view and print your current and past bills from My Account.

Once you have your information ready, enroll

If you are getting error messages or the website isn't loading properly, see What software do I need to use My Account? for information on cookies and supported browsers.

If you cannot log into My Account with a user id you have used successfully before, click the Forgot Password link. You will be asked for identifying information and then the security question you selected when you enrolled. A new password will be sent to the email address on your My Account profile.

If you forgot the answer to your security question, forgot your user id, no longer have access to the email address on your profile, or are still unable to logon to the online system, call Customer Care at the number below or use the Submit a Question tab above to submit a request to our Customer Care department.  Be sure to include your UI account number and service address.

For information on common problems encountered while enrolling in My Account, see How do I enroll in My Account? for details.

You cannot make payments or enter bank information unless Pay Online has been activated. See How do I change my Pay Online option? for details.

If you have activated eBill and are not receiving bill notifications, see Why haven't I been getting email notifications when my bill is ready? for more information.

For information on common activities performed while using My Account, see Common Online Bill Payment and My Account functions .

To call UI Customer Care, dial 1-800-7-CALL-UI (800.722.5584).


Reset password emails are sent instantly, if you have not received the reset password email yet, check your spam folder.

Making a one-time payment via credit card, debit card, or bank account is an optional service UI provides for customer convenience and the fee is therefore paid by those who choose to use it. The convenience fee is collected and retained by our online payment service provider, Kubra Data Transfer Ltd.  UI does not receive any portion of the fee charged by the service provider for using your credit card, debit card, or bank account to make one-time payments.

Customers who want to pay online and avoid convenience fees can enroll in UI's My Account. My Account provides free recurring payment and single payment features. Customers can still pay their bills by check through the mail.

In order to keep the eBill feature of My Account free for customers, UI could not offer debit and credit cards as options for making such payments.  Payments made through My Account are free to activate and make, but are limited to being made from checking and savings accounts only.

We offer several convenient ways to pay your bill. Select the payment method most convenient for you. 

Make an Online Payment

Make a payment online any time using your Checking/Savings account, ATM/Debit Card, or Visa, MasterCard, or Discover card. Our payment processing agent charges a convenience fee for this service.


AutoPay is the secure, hassle-free way to ensure your bills are paid on time each month, automatically.

Make One-Time Payments By Phone

Call 800.722.5584 (800-7-CALL-UI) to make a payment any time using our automated phone system. Payments made using the phone system are subject to a convenience fee.

Mail Your Payment

Please make your check payable to The United Illuminating Company, and mail to:

The United Illuminating Company
P.O. Box 847818
Boston, MA 02284-7818

Please include your account number on your check or money order and allow sufficient time for your payment to be received and processed by us.

Pay In Person

Pay in person at one of the many nationwide payment locations offered through our payment partners.

Electricity usage has the greatest impact on your bill. The more your heating and cooling system operates, the higher the energy usage, and the higher your bill. An easy way to reduce your business' energy usage, and bill, is to raise your thermostat in the summer and lower it in the winter. A summer setting of 78 and a winter setting of 68 can lower your bill, while keeping your business a comfortable place to work.

UI understands that a higher electric bill creates difficulties for our customers. While we can't do anything about the weather, we can offer programs to help you use energy more efficiently, and make your bills more predictable.  Learn more about ways to decrease your energy costs .

It’s easy to reduce your energy use and save money by starting with no-cost and low-cost changes . Getting started is as simple as adopting a few new habits and making time for quick and easy projects around the house.

Find ways to save on energy costs and create an energy profile for your home and/or business with our  online bill analysis, where you analyze and graph your energy usage and see what impacts your bill monthly.

Energize Connecticut and ENERGY STAR® are also great resources for energy saving tips.

Through Energy Opportunities, our professionals team up with area businesses every day to identify, evaluate and install energy efficient technologies that can have a huge impact on your business.

But Energy Opportunities goes beyond just saving energy. The program also uncovers creative new approaches to operational efficiency through electric technologies – increasing productivity and encouraging growth and product line expansion. It all leads to shrinking expenses and expanding profits.

Learn more information about  Energy Opportunities .

More than half of the energy used in your home goes to heating, cooling and hot water. So making smart decisions about these systems in your home can have a big effect on your utility bills — and your comfort. We offer several solutions and rebates to help you find and install the high-efficiency energy equipment that is right for you.

In a world where it seems the cost of everything is going up, you are probably looking for more ways to save money. And with all the talk about environmental issues surrounding carbon dioxide emissions and climate change, you are looking for ways to be environmentally friendly at the same time. Today, you don't have to make sacrifices to save energy and help the environment. There are amazing energy-efficient products available everywhere that perform just like regular products, but use much less energy and produce less greenhouse gas.

Visit more information on Energy Star  

Visit for additional information 

Investigate and take advantage of every conservation program that UI and other Connecticut organizations offer.

  • Do you have energy efficient lighting installed?
  • Could you effectively switch to UI’s off-peak (RT) rate?
  • Have you done everything possible to eliminate energy waste at your home or apartment?

Search this web site and investigate every aspect of saving energy so that you get full value for every dollar you spend on electricity!

UI's energy saving programs for your home

UI's energy saving programs for your business

Absolutely, that’s the function of UI’s Economic and Community Development Department. We put an array of services, resources and volunteers right at your finger tips – to make your job easier and the fruits of your efforts even greater.

To learn more about how UI can “Grow your capabilities by utilizing ours” call 203.499.3777 to consult with an Economic Development Specialist.

At UI, we want to help you eliminate the guess work. Our comprehensive outdoor lighting program, Light the Night, is an important service you can’t afford to miss. Light the Night combines safety, security, and attraction with affordable pricing that averages about $1 a night. It's the easiest way to improve the outdoor lighting on your business, your grounds or your home. One low monthly fee pays for the fixture, electricity, installation on existing utility poles and even lifetime maintenance. Schedule a free, no obligation on-site consultation with a UI outdoor lighting specialist today.

If need be, Light the Night can also provide you with low-cost lighting solutions, which include free installation, maintenance, bulb replacement and electricity. It’s the simplest way to ensure you have the best lighting you can get and the peace of mind of knowing you won’t have to think twice about your outdoor lighting.

Learn more information about Light the Night  from UI.

We recommend you start with Home Energy Solutions . Your home’s energy performance will be assessed by energy professionals and you’ll receive about $1,000 in on-the-spot energy fixes - like sealing air leaks, energy-efficient lighting, and more. The fee* for all of this is just $75 for all eligible customers.  Rebates and financing are available for insulation, high-efficiency heating/cooling, WI-FI thermostats, water heating, windows, and appliances.

You can also get started with our online bill analysis , where you analyze and graph your energy usage, see what impacts your bill monthly, find ways to save on energy costs and create an energy profile for your home and/or business.

Today, we hear a lot about hybrid vehicles. We've all seen the automotive ads touting the advantages of hybrid vehicles. But what is a hybrid vehicle? Simply, a hybrid is a vehicle that derives its power from two sources, usually an internal gas engine combined with an electric motor. Utilizing advanced technologies, today's hybrid vehicles are more fuel efficient and contribute fewer emissions to the environment. And contrary to popular belief, they do not need to be "plugged" in to an external source. However, hybrids are only one type of vehicle that can save you money and help reduce emissions. There are other types including fuel cell, electric and alternative fuels, just to name a few. For more information visit the U.S. Department of Energy's website.


Power Surges occur when there are sudden powerful increases in the electrical system. There are many causes of surges including lightning, animals interfering with power lines, auto accidents involving utility poles and the turning on and off of large industrial pumps and motors. These causes account for approximately 35% of all surges. Surges can also be caused right inside the home by a refrigerator, HVAC system or well pump motor switching on and off which account for approximately 65% of all surges.

eesmarts™ is a program that teaches students from kindergarten through middle school about energy and conservation. United Illuminating offers this comprehensive education program free to area schools. Currently, curriculum is available for grades K-8.

To learn all about the eesmarts™ program, visit eesmarts.

As a Connecticut renter, you can benefit from technical advice and rebates through the Home Energy Solutions program. 

You can also with use our online bill analysis , where you analyze and graph your energy usage, see what impacts your bill monthly, find ways to save on energy costs and create an energy profile for your home and/or business.

For a detail analysis of how your business uses energy, what affects your bill each month and ways to save, please enroll in My Account, our online energy and bill management system. This free on-line tool can identify a variety of changes that could help your business save on electricity cost. 

Please Note: Before doing any project, remember to consult UI to see if your project is eligible for any incentives or rebates.

Listed below are several quick ways for saving energy in your business. However, for a more detail analysis of how your business uses energy, what affects your bill each month and ways to save, please log into My Account, our on-line energy and bill management system.  This free on-line tool can identify a variety of changes that could help your business save on electricity cost.  


  • Convert older style linear T12 fluorescents (“fat” lamps – roughly the size of a paper towel tube) and magnetic ballasts to the newer style T8 fluorescents (“skinny” lamps – roughly the size of a garden hose ) and electronic ballasts. T8 lamps produce more light per watt of energy input than T12s and can reduce energy use by 40%.
  • Install occupancy sensors in the proper locations to automatically turn off lighting when no one is present, and back on when they return. Use sensors in rooms with high traffic (break rooms, restrooms, conference rooms) for reduced lighting costs of up to 40%. But don't install the sensor behind a coat rack, door or book case. It must be able to ""see"" the motion of occupant approaching an unlit area to turn on the light before, or as they enter.
  • Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning
  • Perform regular maintenance tune-ups on cooling equipment. Regularly clean condenser coils, change belts and filters and fix duct leaks. Also check for proper economizer operation and adequate refrigerant levels. Maintenance activities can save up to 30% of fan energy and up to 10% of space conditioning energy use. Click here to read about UI’s AC Tune-up Program.
  • A programmable thermostat can optimize HVAC operation ""24/7"" based on your needs. For example, instead of heating or cooling all night, so you can enter a comfortable building in the morning, this ""smart thermostat"" can turn on the HVAC one hour before you arrive, based on your daily/hourly needs. The cost of the thermostat can be $25 to $150, and it could cut your HVAC costs up to 30%. Add a locking cover to prevent tampering with thermostat settings.
  • Install a high-efficiency packaged heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. These can use up to 40% less energy than systems that just meet minimum standards. Look for the highest SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) or, on larger units, EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) possible. You can purchase units with SEER above 13 or EER above 11. Specify Energy Star rated high-efficiency air conditioning equipment when your system needs to be replaced, and save 25% to 35% on your investment annually. Click here to read about UI’s Cool Choice program.
  • Install an energy management system (EMS), and save 30 to 40% on your investment annually. An EMS is especially useful when your air conditioning system is too complex to control with time clocks or programmable thermostats. An EMS lets you choose different cooling temperatures for different zones, optimum equipment start and stop times and control strategies that keep building occupants comfortable while minimizing energy use.

Office Equipment / Electronic

  • Print with ink jet printers instead of laser printers. Ink jet printers cost less to maintain and use 90% less energy than laser printers.  Always replace office equipment with Energy Star rated equivalents.


  • Check door seals (also called the gasket) on the refrigerator. A broken seal is the same as leaving the door open. Replace the seal if it is torn or partially missing. To test it, close the door on a single sheet of paper and try to pull it out. If it slides out easily, the gasket needs to be replaced to prevent cold air from leaking out, or consider buying a new unit.


  • Replace oversized motors with properly sized energy efficient motors. Motors consume the least amount of energy when they operate at their highest efficiency. Click here to read more about UI’s Motor Up Program.

Compressed Air

  • Assure the compressed air system does not run when plant is not in use (i.e., overnight or on the weekends). Use smaller air compressors dedicated to serve minimal after-hour needs. These actions can save up to 20% of a system's electricity usage.

What is "Smart Systems at UI"?

"Smart Systems at UI" is UI's commitment to provide reliable, affordable, efficient and effective utility services. It is about UI producing environmental leadership and excellence in Customer Care. It is about being a "Smart Utility" by improving the way we do business. Most importantly, it is about having "Smart Customers" with customer choice programs and easy to use tools to take charge of their utility usage.

What are "Smart Systems"?

Smart Systems is the integration of new technologies to distribute electricity more efficiently while saving energy and money. In addition, these smart systems allow for two way communication between the customer and the electric provider in order for all parties to obtain information to control energy use and costs.

UI began preparing for the SMART SYSTEM in 1999 when we started to update our metering system. That action was the first step in providing the flexibility and digital interface needed to support a SMART SYSTEM approach. And today that effort continues.

Why "Smart Systems" now?

In December 2007, President George W. Bush signed into law the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA). Title 13 of this law is called Smart Grid, and the United States government officially recognized the term. In Connecticut, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), UI's regulatory agency, directed that UI pursue this Smart System approach.

Before it was known as "Smart Grid" there was an effort underway at UI to maximize the ability of our metering system to benefit customers. This work began in 1998 and it ...and much more...continues today. Nationally, the Smart Grid is a major program with Department of Energy. Nationally, the Smart Grid is a major program with Department of Energy.

What are "Smart Grids"?

Smart Grids is the term used to describe the new infrastructure that will deliver energy, services and information through our nation's transmission lines.

The true vision of the smart grid is a self-healing, automated grid that can manage complex flows of electrons, from the hundreds - potentially thousands - of large and small sources of power to the millions of homes, businesses, industrial customers and, potentially, electric cars that require that energy.

Smart Systems is the underlying technology that will enable the Smart Grid to be successful. The Department of Energy breaks this down a lot further, laying out no fewer than 60 specific technologies that fall under the Smart Grid label. Pulled into six lose categories, these technologies are:

  • One set of technologies - smart meters, programmable thermostats, home automation software, etc. - allows consumers to participate in the smart grid by adjusting their electricity use automatically based on fluctuations in electricity availability or rates.
  • The most desperately needed part of the Smart Grid are the transmission lines and control software that tie together far-flung renewable energy sources (such as wind and solar) and energy storage devices (such as electric car batteries). Unlike the present crazy quilt system, a true Smart Grid will be able to move electricity from wherever its being generated to wherever its needed - potentially thousands of miles away - in real time, even parking it in storage for use later if necessary.
  • The Smart Grid is a communications network, moving information about grid performance, electricity demand and availability, rate information, etc. from point to point.
  • The Smart Grid is an application platform. Just as the internet allowed services like to spring into existence, the smart grid will allow a host of innovative energy management applications from third parties to be deployed on the network.
  • The Smart Grid is a set of monitors and automated control mechanisms that respond quickly to service interruptions - whether from natural disasters or purposeful attack - in a self-healing manner.

For more information on "Smart Systems", "Smart Grids" and "Smart Technology", please visit

Each day, as we go about our daily lives, each of us contributes to the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change. Your "Carbon Footprint" is a measure of the amount of greenhouse gases produced by you. Your carbon footprint is measured in units of carbon dioxide that each of us contribute to the world's climate.

There are many things each of us can do to reduce our carbon footprint. By making a few lifestyle changes in our homes, our travel, the food we eat, and how we consume products/services - we can reduce our carbon footprint.

To learn more about carbon footprint, greenhouse gases and how you can reduce yourr emissions, visit the websites listed below:

Visit "Low Impact Living"

Visit "Carbon Footprint"

The Energy Conscious Blueprint Program and Energy Opportunities Program pay cash incentives to our commercial and industrial customers who build energy-efficient technology into their facilities.

Read more about the Energy Conscious Blueprint Program  which is for new construction and renovations. You'll find detailed information on design grants, incentives and bonuses for lighting, HVAC and chiller equipment, motors, drives, transformers, heating, and refrigeration.

Read more about the Energy Opportunities Program  which is for retrofit projects in existing facilities. UI can perform a walk-through audit, single measure analysis, or complete energy audit, where we will address lighting, motors and drives, energy management systems, or any other process related system in your facility.

Complete details about the incentive structure program for all commercial, industrial and governmental Energy Conscious Blueprint Program participants.

There is no better time to think of energy efficiency and renewable energy than when you are building a new house or making major renovations. Exciting advancements in technology and building techniques can make your home more efficient and comfortable. Investments you make in energy-efficient insulation, heating and air conditioning, water heating, lighting and appliances and renewable energy systems can pay off through lower energy costs.

UINET offers several solutions to help you. For example, the Residential New Construction program, offers expert guidance from energy specialists who can inform you about the range of equipment and material options available and rebates on energy-efficient measures including, ENERGY STAR® for Homes Certification, insulation, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, and hot water heaters.

UI's Small Business Energy Advantage Program is specifically designed for the small business owner, and we can help you determine if your business qualifies under this program. We will perform an energy use evaluation, recommend energy saving actions that can be taken, and have your project installed by our approved contractors. As well, you may qualify for interest-free financing on the balance.

In addition to the Small Business Energy Advantage Program, UI offers other Products and Services that can help your business save money.

UI’s web site offers additional information on a wide range of topics and programs, including the Energy Saving Tips for Large and Small Businesses, our Motor Up and Cool Choice programs, as well as Services for Manufacturers.

Whether you manage a small or big business, you’ll find invaluable information on UI’s incentive programs that make businesses better by maximizing energy efficiency in the workplace. Read about UI’s energy efficiency programs .

During a Home Energy Solutions (HES) visit, a utility-certified technician will evaluate your home’s energy performance and install energy-saving measures such as sealing air leaks and installing energy-efficient lighting, faucet aerators and low-flow shower heads. The technicians will also provide written recommendations for deeper energy-saving measures such as insulation, high-efficiency heating and cooling, water heating, windows and appliances. To help you in making smart energy choices, your recommendations will include information on rebates and financing along with payback and investment information specific to your home. For more information, please visit the Home Energy Solutions page.

Yes. UI has information for consumers about Compact Fluorescent (CFLs) and Mercury. Listed below are frequently asked questions on CFLs:

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) and Mercury

Why should people use CFLs?

Switching from traditional light bulbs to CFLs is an effective, accessible change every American can make right now to reduce energy use at home and prevent greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change. Lighting accounts for close to 20 percent of the average home's electric bill. ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs use up to 75 percent less energy than incandescent light bulbs, last up to 10 times longer, cost little up front, and provide a quick return on investment.

If every home in America replaced just one incandescent light bulb with an ENERGY STAR qualified CFL, in one year it would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes and prevent greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those of more than 800,000 cars.

Do CFLs contain mercury?

CFLs contain a very small amount of mercury sealed within the glass tubing - an average of 5 milligrams - about the amount that would cover the tip of a ballpoint pen. By comparison, older thermometers contain about 500 milligrams of mercury. It would take 100 CFLs to equal that amount. Mercury currently is an essential component of CFLs and is what allows the bulb to be an efficient light source. No mercury is released when the bulbs are intact or in use. Many manufacturers have taken significant steps to reduce mercury used in their fluorescent lighting products. In fact, the average amount of mercury in a CFL is anticipated to drop by the end of 2007 thanks to technology advances and a commitment from members of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

What precautions should I take when using CFLs in my home?

CFLs are made of glass and can break if dropped or roughly handled. Be careful when removing the bulb from its packaging, installing it, or replacing it. Always screw and unscrew the lamp by its base (not the glass), and never forcefully twist the CFL into a light socket. If a CFL breaks in your home, follow the clean-up recommendations below. Used CFLs should be disposed of properly (see below).

What should I do with a CFL when it burns out?

EPA recommends that consumers take advantage of available local recycling options for compact fluorescent light bulbs. EPA is working with CFL manufacturers and major U.S. retailers to expand recycling and disposal options. Consumers can contact their local municipal solid waste agency directly, or go to, or to identify local recycling options.


If your state permits you to put used or broken CFLs in the garbage, seal the bulb in two plastic bags and put it into the outside trash, or other protected outside location, for the next normal trash collection. CFLs should not be disposed of in an incinerator.


You can save money on your home energy costs by setting a goal and working toward it. For most homes, a balanced plan that eliminates poor energy practices and promotes using energy efficient products will provide the best results.

UI is committed to helping our customers save money and reducing their energy costs. We offer an online tool for analyzing your billing and usage data as well as energy saving tips. Listed below is detailed information on the various ways to save money on your home energy costs.

My Account

My Account provides free, convenient, and secure access to your account information and tools to manage your account. See what affects your bill each month, track your energy use, find ways to save in your home or business and much more.

My Account Features:

  • View and print your billing statements
  • Compare 2 bills, side-by-side
  • Analyze and graph your energy usage
  • Find ways to save energy and money
  • Check your account status and payment history
  • Create an energy profile for your home and/or business

Enrolling is free, quick and easy. Be sure to have a recent UI bill handy.

Energy Saving Tips

  • Make energy efficiency part of your daily life. This involves making lifestyle changes that have you using less energy without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Turn off un-needed lighting; keep window shades down in the summer, close doors --- work to eliminate energy waste of all types. These are usually no-cost ""common sense"" type actions.
  • Select and install energy efficient products. Look for the Energy Star® label and compare before you buy. From light bulbs to air conditioning, shop wisely and look at the total cost before you reach for your wallet.
  • Insulate. Insulate. Insulate. A well-insulated home is a year-round energy saver!

Learn more about energy efficient practices and tips

Energy Efficiency Programs and Incentives for the Home

UI provides financial incentives and/or technical assistance on everything from energy audits and Energy Star lighting to central air conditioning systems and service.

Learn more about Energy Efficiency Programs

Take advantage of Rebate Offers and Programs from Energy Star Partners

Product manufacturers sometimes offer rebates for their products through their Energy Star partnership programs.

Check out our rebate offers  

U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Energy has information on reducing energy consumption including energy audits, insulation, lighting strategies, landscaping, space heating and cooling.

Energize Connecticut

For comprehensive information about energy efficiency and renewable energy in Connecticut, visit Energize Connecticut.

ANY level of power disturbance, however small, can cause interruption or damage to the microprocessors in sensitive electronics and appliances.

Low-level surges can cause stress on the circuits of your sensitive electronics, leading to early failure. This re-occurrence of low-level surges is often called "electronic rust". High-level surges can result in immediate destruction of expensive circuitry.

Power disturbances can damage almost any electronic device you own, not just your computer. Sensitive electronic equipment such as TV's, DVD players, surround sound receivers, video games, even microwaves and other appliances are all at risk. And the average cost of household damages caused by power surges can exceed $1,000 in repairs or replacement!

The most effective way to protect your home against powerful voltage spikes is through the use of surge protectors. A surge protector directs harmful power disturbances safely to ground. It takes "the hit" from the high-voltage surge, lets a safe and reasonable amount of voltage through, and then sends the rest to "ground".

There are many types of surge suppression devices. The basic components of an effective surge protection system are:

  • Grounding - which provides personal safety.
  • Service Entrance Protection - which provides a "manageable" level of protection but offers electric line protection ONLY.
  • Point-of-Use Protection - which provides a "safe" level of protection for sensitive electronics and appliances by protecting electric lines as well as telephone and cable/ satellite lines.

UI can help you safeguard your valuable electronics and appliances and protect your home from power surges, 24 hours a day - seven days a week, with Shield&Connect Basic.

Shield&Connect Basic, only available from UI, is a state-of-the-art whole house surge protection plan that provides behind-the-meter protection. It helps you safeguard your valuable electronics and appliances and protect your home from power surges through a comprehensive surge protection system.

Shield & Connect Protects Your Valuables in 3 Ways:

  1. A Surge Arrestor, installed by UI at your meter, blocks power surges from entering your home.
  2. Plug-in Surge Suppressors, provided in the Shield & Connect kit, protect phone and cable lines, and divert power surges generated inside your home.
  3. Shield & Connect Basic manufacturer's product warranty and connected equipment warranty* cover both the system itself and most major appliances. Electronic devices connected to plug-in surge suppressors are covered, too. If a Shield & Connect Basic device fails, you're fully reimbursed for repair or replacement costs.

Ask about our new Shield & Connect plans that not only provide surge protection but also allow for an easy connection to a portable generator in the event of a power outage.

Commercial Customers

Shield & Connect is not available to commercial accounts. It is rated and approved for residential premises only.

Learn more about  power surges and how to protect your home .

Yes, UI encourages electric customers to improve their homes’ energy efficiency. Funding is available for energy assessments, weatherization, insulation, high-efficiency heating and hot water systems. See the Smart Energy section for details.

Most consumers don't understand how the Power Grid works. They have a vague notion that it carries bulk power from somewhere else to their region and are confident that as long as it works OK, they are serviced by it. The operation of the grid is very complex. If we have one more tool in keeping the grid stable and acting more effectively, we have taken another step toward improving service and controlling costs.

UI does not sell water heaters and we no longer offer a water heater lease program. If you are an existing water heater rental program customer and need repair, please contact us at 800.722.5584.

Yes! For a detail analysis of how your business uses energy, what effects your bill each month, and ways to save, please enroll in My Account, our on-line energy and bill management system. This free online tool can identify a variety of energy efficiency measures that could help your business save on electricity cost. Register or login

My Account Features:

  • View and print your billing statements
  • Compare 2 bills, side-by-side
  • Analyze and graph your energy usage
  • Find ways to save energy and money
  • Check your account status and payment history
  • Create an energy profile for your home and/or business
  • Set up recurring bill payments
  • Pay an individual bill

The cost to run an appliance depends on your actual cost of electricity. This is different for residential, commercial, and Time-of-Use Rate customers. A method of estimating your actual cost  to run an appliance. You will need Abode Reader on your computer to view it.

Operation Fuel is a private, non-profit Connecticut corporation that provides emergency energy assistance to people within the state of Connecticut who are in financial crisis and who are not eligible for government assistance. Funds are distributed through a volunteer network of nearly 60 fuel banks throughout Connecticut.

UI customers can support Operation Fuel by adding $1, $2 or $3 to their monthly bill payment. To contribute more than $3, please call our Customer Care Center at 800 7 CALL UI (800.722.5584). Our representatives will set up a recurring monthly donation for any amount you designate. This recurring donation will appear on your monthly statement. Remember, your monthly contribution is tax-deductible.

You can make donations directly to Operation Fuel

Or you can mail a donation directly to:

  • Operation Fuel | One Regency Drive, Suite 200 | Bloomfield, CT 06002


To report a power outage, please call UI at 800 7 CALL UI (800.722.5584). Our automated outage reporting system is available 24 hours and will record and report your outage. We will restore your power as quickly as we can.

Power Outage Preparation

Preparation is the key riding out any type of storm that affects electrical service. Learn about how to prepare for a possible power outage, what to do in the event of an power outage, and UI's restoration priorities.



To report a street light problem for the any of the towns in our service area with the exception of New Haven*, use our  convenient online request form .

*The City of New Haven independently owns and operates the city's street lighting system and they are responsible for its maintenance.

To report a streetlight out in the City of New Haven, call the City of New Haven Engineering Department’s Street Lighting Management Division at 203.946.6091.

UI cannot install a street light without an official request from your town or city. Please contact your Mayor or First Selectman's office to request a new streetlight. Once your request is approved by your local town or city officials, they will contact UI to order the installation of the new street light.

My lights are flickering

Sometimes the dimming and returning to normal of the lights in your home is caused by the turning on of large appliances such as air conditioning units, washing machines, microwave ovens, etc. This is normal and in most cases cannot be corrected. If the problem seems to be excessive, occurring randomly or when nothing in your home is running, the problem may be either a loose connection outside the house or a loose connection inside the house. We recommend you have the UI come out and verify that the connections outside the home are good. If the UI does not find a problem please call an electrician.

  • In some cases the dimming of your lights may be the result of your neighbor using a large appliance. If you feel that the dimming of your lights is excessive or evenly frequent call the UI to investigate.
  • The lights in one part of my home are dim at the same time those in another part of my home are bright
  • I seem to only have partial power

If this is the case please call the UI immediately and unplug sensitive electronic equipment. The problem may be either a loose neutral connection outside the house or a loose connection inside the house. We recommend you have the UI come out and verify that the connections outside the home are good. If the UI does not find a problem please call an electrician.

Check that all the circuit breakers in your home or business are on and for any blown fuses. Please make sure you check your main panel or sub panel if applicable. If this does not correct the problem call UI.

Please call our Customer Care at 800-7-CALL-UI (800.722.5584) between 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday..

The frequency of text messages received varies based on outages affecting UI service territory.

No action is required if you switch to a mobile phone carrier that is supported by text messaging. Your phone number will still be registered, and the service will still be available to you. Please note that standard message and data rates may apply through your new carrier.

While text messaging are supported by most major mobile phone carriers, there are some that are not currently supported. If you attempt to register and your message fails, please ensure that your carrier supports texting to short codes and that text messaging is enabled before trying again.

To register for text messages, send a text message to 78418.  You will be prompted to reply REG to register. Registration requires your 14-digit UI account number.

You will then be prompted to confirm that you want to report an outage:

UI: "Are you sure you want to report an outage? Check your circuit breakers and text Y to report an outage at (location)."

If a connection error occurs:  UI: "We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later or call 800.722.5584 to report your outage."

There are a few different scenarios that can cause a user not to receive a registration text message.

Unsupported mobile carrier: At this time, text messaging is supported by major mobile phone carriers and most others. We are continually looking for ways to enhance text messaging and anticipate adding more mobile carriers in the future.

Text messaging blocked: If your mobile carrier is supported, you may have a setting on your mobile phone's account that is blocking incoming text messages. Please contact your mobile provider to ensure that text messaging is enabled.

Short code messaging blocked: If your mobile carrier is supported, you may have a setting turned on for your phone's account that is blocking short code messages. Short code messages are any messages that come from a short number such as 78418. Please contact your mobile carrier to change your account setting to allow short code messaging.

Text messages are a notification service that enables customers to receive outage updates via text message. The program is available without charge to all customers within the UI service territory, but please note that standard message and data rates may apply through your carrier.

To report an outage, please text OUT to 78418

You can request outage status on demand by texting STAT to 78418. The SMS message you receive depends on the current situation:

If you are not registered yet:

UI: Register your account before using this feature. Reply REG to begin

If UI is not aware of the outage or if it is a partial power situation:

UI: We are not aware of an outage in your area. Please text OUT to report an outage. For status on a partial power report, please call our Customer Care Center at 800.722.5584.

If UI is aware of the outage but there is no estimated recovery time (ERT) for the outage:

UI: According to our records, [YOUR ADDRESS] is without power. We are working hard to restore your service. Text STAT at a later time to receive updates about your outage.

Yes, you may register multiple properties to one cell phone number. For each property, text REG to 78418. You will receive a text message asking for the 14-digit account number, which is located on your electric bill. Once you have provided all required information, you will receive a registration confirmation text. We will then text you a list of your registered accounts to select from when you text OUT to report your outage.

When you text OUT to 78418 to get outage updates, you will receive storm preparation, storm impact, and storm updates.

Text messaging keywords are short messages that enable you to communicate with our system quickly. Use any of these keywords to communicate with our outage alert system via text. If you text a keyword and decide not to continue with the process, texting any of the following keywords will debunk the previous process and start a new one corresponding to the newly selected keyword:

REG Register for proactive communications

OUT Report an outage

PAUSE Pause communications from UI

STAT Request the status of an outage

RESUME Unpause communications from UI

HELP Provides a list of keywords, a link to the UI website for more information, and a customer care number

STOP Unsubscribe from outage notifications or storm notifications 

Yes, you can register more than one mobile phone number for a single property. Text REG to 78418  from each mobile phone and register using that Account Number. Each mobile phone will receive outage updates.

Once your move out has been completed, you will be automatically unregistered from text alerts for that property.

If you want to un-register before you move, you may text STOP to 78418. If you are registered for multiple accounts, you will be prompted to select the account number you wish to un-register. Once prompted for which notifications to stop, respond with ALL.

If your new address is located in the UI service territory, please text REG and follow the instructions to re-register for text messaging with your new property.

Text REG to 78418 from your new mobile phone and follow the instructions to register your new phone number for the program.

You can request the status of an outage by going to the UI homepage, selecting the OUTAGE ALERTS link at the bottom of the page, and logging in (as shown in the Reporting Outage steps). You may also log in through My Account and select Outages:

If UI is not aware of the outage or if it is a partial loss of power, you will see the following message:

Outage Status:

We are not aware of an outage in your area. To report an outage, please follow the outage reporting process below or text OUT to 78418. For status on a partial power report, please call our Customer Care Center at 855.784.3637.


If UI is aware of the outage but there is no Estimated Restoration Time (ERT) for the outage:

Outage Status:

Our records indicate that an outage may be affecting service at <<Street address>><<town>>. We are to restore service in  your area.

Check back or text STAT to 78418 to receive outage updates. If you wish to provide us with more information, please follow the process below.

If UI is aware of the outage and there is an ERT for the outage:

Outage Status:

Our records indicate that an outage may be affecting service at <<street address>><<town>>. We are working to restore service in your area.

Your estimated restoration time is between<<Month Date Year>> at <<Time AM?PM>> and <<Month Date Year>> at <<Time AM/PM>>.

Check back or text STAT to 78418 to receive outage updates. If you wish to provide us with more information, please follow the process below.


If UI is aware of the outage, there is an ERT for the outage, and a crew is on site at the outage:

Outage Status:

Our records indicate that an outage may be affecting service at <<street address>><<town>>. We are working at restore service in your area.

Crew Status: A crew has been assigned to restore service.

Your estimated restoration time is between <<Month Date Year>> at <<Time AM/PM>> and <<Month Date Year>> at <<Time AM/PM>>

Check back or text STAT to 78418 to receive outage updates. If you wish to provide us with more information, please follow the process below.

Text STOP to 78418 to stop receiving UI Alerts by text message at that number. You can also log in to your online account and remove your contact information.

While UI does not charge for text messages, standard messaging and data rates may apply based on your carrier and mobile phone plan. 

Text messages is supported by major mobile phone carriers. However, there are some that are not currently supported. If you attempt to register and your message fails, please ensure that your carrier supports texting to short codes before trying again.




Many utility boxes, either pole mounted or ground level, have the name of or type of utility clearly visible on the box. If the box indicates a phone or cable TV company, call that company directly. If you are unsure of the owner or the owner is UI, call us at 1-800-7-CALL-UI 800.722.5584 to report the location and other details of the box in question. UI personnel will be promptly dispatched to investigate the report. Regardless of the owner, keep people away from the exposed wires and equipment.

The question is not whether transmission lines cause cancer. Rather, the question is whether magnetic fields from any source we encounter (including transmission lines, distribution lines, appliances, machinery, house hold wiring, etc.) cause any sort of negative health effect, which would include cancer. To date, no health authority or regulatory body has concluded that exposure to power frequency magnetic fields causes cancer or any other type of negative health effect.




Call UI at 1-800-7-CALL-UI 800.722.5584 to report the condition. A reminder: stay away from downed electrical wires, always assume they’re live.

Candles can be used for a variety of purposes: Holidays, special events, decorative lighting or a source of light during a power outage. However, burning candles can be a fire hazard. An unattended candle can ignite surrounding materials and create a fire in your home.

The following steps should be taken when burning candles:

  • Never leave a burning candle unattended
  • Keep candles out of the reach of children and pets
  • Never place a candle near materials that can ignite
  • Never use a candle for a source of heat or lighting

An excellent source of information on candles and candle safety is the National Candle Association


You may request information on electrical safety by calling UI’s Economic and Community Development at 203.499.3777 or 800-7-CALL UI 800.722.5584. A UI employee may be available to address your group on electrical safety. We also have a limited supply of booklets about electrical safety suitable for use with young people.

Additional information on electrical safety for your home or business can be found at or in the ESFI documents below:

You may request information on electrical safety by calling UI’s Economic and Community Development at 203.499.3777 or 800 7-CALL UI 800.722.5584. A UI employee may be available to address your group on electrical safety. We also have a limited supply of booklets about electrical safety suitable for use with young people.

Additional information on electrical safety for your home or business can be found at

To report a tree trimming or other power line problem, please call us at 800-7-CALL-UI 800.722.5584. When you call, please have the following information ready:

  • Your contact information
  • Address of tree problem
  • One of the following pieces of information:
    • Cross Street
    • Landmark
    • Pole Number

Important: It is vital that you DO NOT attempt to trim the tree yourself. Serious injury or death could result.

The question is not whether transmission lines cause cancer. Rather, the question is whether magnetic fields from any source we encounter (including transmission lines, distribution lines, appliances, machinery, house hold wiring, etc.) cause any sort of negative health effect, which would include cancer. To date, no health authority or regulatory body has concluded that exposure to power frequency magnetic fields causes cancer or any other type of negative health effect.

UI will come out and take magnetic field measurement readings at no charge to the customer. However, this is not a “test”, meaning that there is no pass/fail. UI cannot compare the measurement readings to any standard, as no standard exists, but the readings provide information about where magnetic fields may be encountered in the home and/or property.

"Identity Theft" is a serious crime that affects millions of citizens each year. Identity theft occurs when your personal information (social security number, name, address, phone number etc.) is stolen and used without your knowledge to commit fraud.

When you call UI to start service, we require at least two forms of identification (social security number, driver’s license, military ID, or passport) so that we may verify your identity. By providing your social security number, UI is able to do this while you are on the phone. If you do not wish to provide your social security number over the phone, you will need to send UI two alternative forms of ID.

Once UI has been able to verify your identity and setup your account, you will be asked to verify your identity each time you call UI to discuss your service.

See information about UI's privacy policy .

As with any crime, there are steps you can take to avoid identity theft. The Federal Trade Commission web site contains information to help you protect your personal information from identity theft.


What information is available on smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and portable generators?

Smoke Alarms

  • Smoke alarms are devices that detect the presence of smoke and sound an early warning signal (alarm) to alert your household, giving you and your family an opportunity to escape.
  • You should install smoke alarms on each floor of your home including the basement. Be sure to install smoke alarms in the kitchen and bedroom areas of your home.
  • Smoke alarms can be purchased in most hardware, supply and general merchandise stores. Also, many fire departments offer smoke alarms for little or no cost. Just ensure any alarm is UL-listed.

Carbon Monoxide

  • Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless and toxic gas. At low levels, carbon monoxide can cause flu like symptoms: headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea and disorientation. At high levels, carbon monoxide is lethal.
  • Carbon monoxide is produced by appliances or equipment that burn gas, coal or wood. This includes furnaces, fireplaces, chimneys, kerosene heaters, autos, wood burning stoves and portable generators.

Portable Generators

  • Portable generators are useful devices to temporarily supply electricity to your home in the event of a power outage. However, they can be dangerous if not used properly. Generators can cause electrocution, fire and carbon monoxide hazards.
  • For additional information on Smoke Alarms, Carbon Monoxide, Portable Generators and fire safety, visit the  US Fire Administration web site.

Before digging on your property, please Call Before You Dig at 800.922.4455, or visit for more information.

UI, The United Illuminating Company, was formed in 1899 when the Bridgeport Electric Company merged with the New Haven Electric Company. UI is a regional distribution utility providing electricity and energy-related services to more than 320,000 customers in the Greater New Haven and Greater Bridgeport areas.  View the Service Territory .       

Not finding what you are looking for? Contact UI's Economic and Development Department to consult with an Economic Development Professional at 203.499.3777

Electricity usage is measured in kilowatts. A kilowatt is 1,000 watts. A kilowatt-hour is the amount of electricity used when 1,000 watts are used for one hour. For example, ten (10) 100 watt light bulbs equal one kilowatt. If you turn on those ten 100 watt lights for one hour, you would use 1 kilowatt-hour(kWh).

For an informal method of calculating how much it costs to run an appliance

For more information on the cost of lighting in your home, standby power consumption (energy usage when an appliance or other electrical device is plugged in, but turned off), and other topics, go to the U.S. Department of Energy website.

"Meter cheaters. Energy Thieves." No matter what you call them, people who tamper with a utility meter to get "free" service hurt everyone. Theft of energy service is illegal and punishable by law in Connecticut. It drives up the energy costs for everyone, the same way shoplifters add to the price of merchandise. Plus, tampered-with and unlawfully-connected meters are potential safety hazards to innocent families, neighbors and utility workers.

What you can do:         

You can help protect honest bill-paying customers by giving us a call if you suspect energy theft. Telltale signs are nighttime or weekend activity around an electric meter, unusual looking wires connected to or around a meter, or a meter with its seal removed or broken.

If you have reason to believe that someone is stealing energy, please contact us. You don't have to leave your name and your call will be completely confidential. Please include your daytime phone number when contacting UI by email.

Contact Information:

Thanks for your help!

To establish electric service for your business, Please call UI at 800-7-CALL-UI 800.722.5584.  Please have the following information available:

  • Business Name
  • Address where electric service will be established (i.e. service address)
  • Service start date
  • Billing address if different from the service address
  • Federal Tax Identification Number of the Business
  • Business Contact Name
  • Business Contact Phone Number
  • Type of Business

Please note:  UI requires a security deposit for the establishment of electric service for all commercial and industrial accounts.  UI will waive this requirement for existing UI business customers with exceptional credit history, or for new businesses that can provide a letter of recommendation from another utility.

Learn how  UI can help your business   through incentive-rich programs.

At UI, we want to make the process of starting, stopping, reconnecting or transferring service in our territory simple and convenient for our customers.

Please review the information needed to start, stop or transfer residential service. When you are ready, call our Customer Care Center at 1-800-7-CALL-UI 800.722.5584.

Under normal circumstances reconnection requests are done within 24 hours of the reason for the disconnection being resolved. If an unusual circumstance or special condition exists (e.g. medical condition), you must inform the Representative at the time the account issue is being resolved so that if necessary, electric service maybe reconnected sooner.

You will need to call a licensed electrician and request a service increase or service revamp. The electrician will then call UI to get a job number, which will be needed in order to obtain an electric work permit from your town or city. Once the upgrade is complete, and your town's electrical inspector has inspected and released the work, a new meter can be installed.

UI supplies three independent voltage sources to serve single phase and three phase equipment for all commercial and industrial customers. The protective devices protect each line individually so as not to interrupt service to all customers in the case of a problem on one of the voltage sources. UI's obligation is to supply electric service to both single phase and three phase equipment. Damage to a customer's three phase equipment is not the responsibility of UI as a result of loss of phase voltage. The customer is responsible for installing the appropriate protective devices to protect their equipment from this condition.

If you are building a new home or making renovations to your existing home, you can speak to a UI Customer Care Representative at 800-7-CALL-UI 800.722.5584.

If you need to replace, increase, remove or add electrical service, you can submit your request online.

Complete our contractor service location form .



UI is responsible for the incoming service wire, up to the connection point that’s attached to your home and the electric meter. You are responsible for the wires after the connection point, plus the weather head, the entrance cable and the meter base to which the meter is attached (see the attached "What's Ours and Yours" diagram).

UI will repair the service wire and reconnect it to your home. If your meter is damaged, we’ll also repair or replace it free of charge. One safety note: please make sure there is free and clear access to your meter.

For everything else, including the meter base and conduit, you’ll need to call your own electrician before UI can reconnect the service.

Commercial/ Industrial          

Commercial and Industrial service responsibilities can vary and depend upon the type of electrical service installation at your facility.

View our  UI's Electric Service Guidebook . The Guidebook provides a cursory view of the approved policies and procedures of UI and is intended for use by our customers, electrical contractors, consulting engineers, architects, and electrical inspectors. We present this Guidebook in an effort to acquaint you with the various types of electric services that are offered by UI and to help you determine which is best suited for your individual needs.

This guidebook represents UI's currently approved policies and procedures.

UI does not sell water heaters and we no longer offer a water heater lease program. If you are an existing water heater rental program customer and need repair, please contact us at 800.722.5584.

Variable Peak Pricing (VPP) may be of benefit to customers who can shift their load between on- and off-peak periods. If you receive service under the VPP program, the daily on-peak pricing will allow you to determine the amount of generation supply you wish to purchase for the following day at those prices. Because prices will fluctuate, you should assess whether you should take advantage of this opportunity and ultimately benefit.

Yes. UI offers winter protection to all our customers that qualify for hardship. If you meet eligibility requirements, we will not turn off your electricity between November 1 and May 1. To be eligible for winter protection, you and/or a household member must be a person:

  • Receiving local, state, or federal public assistance, including but not limited to Aid to the Aged, Blind or Disabled (State Supplement); Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC); Medicaid; Supplemental Security Income (SSI); or General Assistance
  • Whose sole source of financial support is Social Security, Veteran's Administration, or unemployment compensation benefits?
  • Who is head of household and unemployed and whose household income is less than 300% of the poverty level as determined by the federal government
  • Who is seriously ill and/or has a life-threatening condition as certified by a registered physician
  • Whose household income falls below 125% of the poverty level as determined by the federal government.
  • Whose circumstances threaten a deprivation of food and the necessities of life if payment of a delinquent bill is required.
  • Who is receiving heating/energy assistance.

The Winter Protection Plan must be renewed annually, beginning in October. To prevent your service from being shut off after May 1, you should contact UI to setup a payment arrangement.

Please call our Customer Care Center at 800.722.5584 between 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Yes. You can pay your bill via credit or debit card through Kubra Data Transfer Ltd., our payment processor. They accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover Card. When making payments via credit or debit card, there is a convenience fee charged by the payment processor. See Are there any fees for making online bill payments? for more information about convenience fees. To pay your current bill subject to a convenience fee, click the Make a Payment link on our home page. The convenience fee will be added to your payment and will appear on your credit card or bank statement as "UINET / EZ-PAY".

You cannot schedule single or recurring payments using a credit or debit card.

To make free payments using your checking or savings account, enroll in My Account. Enrollment is free, and there are no payment processing or convenience fees. You cannot use credit or debit cards when making payments through My Account.

Generally, if you received a credit refund from UI, it is for one of the following two reasons.

  • You or your business recently closed an account with UI and there was a credit balance on the account.
  • UI is returning your business' security deposit.

To update your account information (i.e. mailing address, name on the account, etc.) you will need to contact Customer Care at 800-7-CALL-UI 800.722.5584 and speak with a Customer Care representative.

Please note, only the customer of record or those individuals that have been authorized by the customer of record can access and change account information.

Your payments must be posted to your account by the due date on your bill in order to avoid late payment charges. Please be sure to allow for enough time for UI to receive and process your payments.

UI's current late payment charge (LPC), as approved by the PURA, is 1.25% per month. This works out to 15% annually. Customers are encouraged to pay their balance by the due date indicated on their bill to avoid late payment charges.

If you need more time to pay, you may be eligible for a payment arrangement. Please call UI's Automated Action Line at 800.676.7052 to make a payment arrangement.

If you have misplaced or did not receive your bill, you can obtain a copy of your bill in one of the following ways:

  • If you are a My Account customer, log into My Account, UI's online bill and energy management system to print a copy of the bill in question.
  • Call UI's Automated Action Line at 800.676.7052 to request a copy of your bill to be mailed to you.
  • Call Customer Care at 800-7-CALL-UI 800.722.5584 and speak with a Customer Care representative.
  • Send an email to Customer Care.

You can then pay your bill online , Mail In Your Payment or Pay Your Bill In Person .

For payments made from My Account

  • Your payment will be withdrawn from your bank account on the payment date. If the payment date falls on a weekend or holiday, it will be withdrawn from your bank account the following business day.
  • Payments made after the due date shown on your bill will lead to late payment fees. Please schedule payments on or before your payment due date.
  • Payments can be scheduled for same-day payment before 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on a business day, and will be credited to your UI account the same day.


Scheduling of My Account Payments

If you schedule your payment for The payment will be posted to your account
Monday Tuesday
Tuesday Wednesday
Wednesday Thursday
Thursday Friday
Friday The following Monday
Saturday The following Tuesday
Sunday The following Tuesday


For one-time payments made online or via phone

  • A one-time payment is a "real-time" transaction, meaning the payment process will begin immediately upon successfully submitting a payment.
  • A one-time payment made before 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on a business day will be credited to your UI account the same day.
  • A one-time payment made after 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, or on a weekend or holiday, will be credited to your UI account the next business day.
  • Payments made after 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the due date shown on your bill will lead to late payment fees. Please make payments on or before your payment due date.


Timing of One-Time Payments

If you make your One-Time payment by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on The payment will appear on your account
Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday
​Wednesday ​Wednesday
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Saturday The following Monday
Sunday The following Monday


Holidays (Based on the Federal Reserve calendar)

  • New Year's Day
  • Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Washington's Birthday
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Veterans Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

If you are on Budget Billing and decide to change to a new electric supplier, your budget payment amount will be recalculated and you will be charged a new payment amount based on your past 12 month usage history and your new supplier’s price. If you choose to change electric suppliers multiple times during your budget year, during your regular adjustment month all budget plans will be balanced. When the new budget year takes effect, any differences between your previous budget charges and actual charges accrued will be due. Overpayments will be credited to you immediately, and any monies owed by you must be immediately paid to continue your participation in budget billing. There are no charges or cancellation fees to switch to or from electric suppliers.

Yes. For customers whose family income is less than 60% of Connecticut's state median income, the Home Energy Solutions program provides a range of energy saving services. Home Energy Solutions begins with an informational, in home visit to identify energy-saving opportunities. Depending on whether a customer has electric heat and/or hot water, Home Energy Solutions services may include everything from free installation of Energy Star lighting to water-savings devices and even weatherization services.

For more information and to request an application for our  Home Energy Solutions program .

If you have an outstanding balance on an inactive UI account, that balance can be transferred to your current active account. For example, if you moved within UI's service territory, and did not pay the final (last) bill on your old account, UI will transfer the outstanding balance to your new account. If UI finds a credit on your old account, UI will also transfer that credit to your new account.

A security deposit is required for non-residential accounts to minimize potential financial loss for non-payment of the account. UI will waive this requirement for existing non-residential customers with exceptional credit history, or for new businesses that can provide a letter of recommendation from another utility.

The Security Deposit will be refunded after one year if you maintain a clean payment history (e.g. no late payments), or in the event the account is closed. If the account is closed, the security deposit will be applied to the final bill. If the security deposit is more than the final bill amount, UI will refund the remaining credit balance. If the security deposit is less than the final bill amount, UI will send a final bill.

If your bill is estimated, this indicates we could not obtain a meter reading to determine your actual electric usage. This sometimes happens when your meter is being read during bad weather that affects communications equipment. If an actual reading cannot be obtained, UI estimates your electric usage based on your usage history. UI will adjust for any differences between the actual and estimated readings when the next meter reading is obtained (typically the following month).

No. You cannot change the due date on your bill. In order to avoid late payment charges, your payment must be posted to your account by the due date on your bill. If you need more time to pay, you may be eligible for a payment arrangement. Please call UI's Automated Action Line at 800.676.7052 to make a payment arrangement.

Your electric service was most likely disconnected because of a past due balance on your account which had not been paid or resolved by making a payment arrangement.

If payment has been made you must call UI at 800.442.5004 with the payment receipt information.

Your electric service will be restored within 24 hours of resolving your past due balance.

UI's normal hours of operation can be found on Contact Us page.

Other reasons for your service being disconnected may include:

  • If you were scheduled to move out and your requested move out date has past.
  • You moved into a new location where the electricity was already on and forgot to call UI to setup a new account.

UI will work with you if you are having trouble paying your electric bill. Call our Customer Care Center at 800 7 CALL UI (800.722.5584) and the automated system will assist you in setting up payment arrangements or you can speak one of our Customer Care representatives during normal business hours.

Criteria for Arrangements:

  • Account must be past due 30 days or more
  • An initial payment is required to setup arrangements
  • Prior missed arrangement payments have to be made up before a new arrangement can be setup
  • Customers are allowed 2 payment arrangements per year
  • Arrangements can be made for a period of 4 - 12 months, depending on your individual circumstances

With Budget Billing , UI will bill you for an average monthly electric cost based on your actual use. To make sure your budget stays on track, every six months we’ll compare your Budget Billing Amount with your previous 12 months of actual use. For most customers, there will be no adjustment. However, if your account shows a significant change, we’ll adjust your monthly budget amount. This new charge will then appear on your next month’s bill.

If you are on Budget Billing and decide to change to a new electric supplier , your budget payment amount will be recalculated and you will be charged a new payment amount based on your past 12 month usage history and your new supplier’s price. If you choose to change electric suppliers multiple times during your budget year, during your regular adjustment month all budget plans will be balanced. When the new budget year takes effect, any differences between your previous budget charges and actual charges accrued will be due. Overpayments will be credited to you immediately, and any monies owed by you must be immediately paid to continue your participation in budget billing.

At the end of each budget year you don’t have to do anything to stay on the plan, we’ll renew it automatically. Customers whose accounts are current qualify for this free service. You can cancel this plan at any time.

Since deregulation, UI customer bills have changed. Many charges are now itemized so you can see the actual cost of the service or the product. Key line items are UI's delivery service charge and the cost of the electricity provided by UI. Other charges, mandated by the state of CT for a variety of programs, make up your entire monthly bill.

Learn more about your bill

The 1st step to understanding your bill is to identify the key components that make up your bill. Since deregulation, UI customer bills have changed and now, many charges are listed separately so you can see the actual cost of the different components that comprise your bill.

See a sample bill and a list of billing terms

The 2nd step is to understand how you use energy and how if affects your monthly bill. UI's new online system called My Account, provides free, convenient, and secure access to your account information and has tools to help you save energy and money. With My Account, you'll be able see what affects your bill each month, track your energy usage, find ways to save in your home or business and much more. By registering with My Account you'll be able to:

  • View and print your billing statements
  • Compare two bills, side-by-side
  • Analyze and graph your energy usage
  • Find ways to save energy and money
  • Check your account status and payment history
  • Create an energy profile for your home and/or business
  • Set up recurring bill payments
  • Pay an individual bill

Registration is free, quick and easy. Be sure to have a recent UI bill handy when you register.

Register to start taking control of your electric costs

The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) authorized Variable Peak Pricing in response to legislation directed at offering voluntary real-time pricing to customers. VPP pricing may provide the opportunity for some customers to save money by shifting their usage to off peak hours. Reduced load during peak hours ultimately saves money for everyone because it can delay the need for new capacity or delivery system enhancements otherwise necessary to meet peak loads.

Variable Peak Pricing (VPP) is available to all customers as of July 1, 2010.

If you or someone in your home uses electrically operated life-support or medical monitoring equipment and UI isn’t aware of your situation, please call us at 800.722.5584 immediately. For more information about Medical Protection, please see our Medical Protection Fact Sheet.

The following information will be required in order to obtain the physician/APRN/PA's verification and protect your service:

  • Physician/APRN/PA’s name
  • Physician/APRN/PA’s address
  • Physician/APRN/PA’s telephone numbers – office and fax
  • Name of the patient

UI will fax a "Physician/APRN/PA Certificate" to the physician/APRN/PA for verification of the medical or life support needs. Upon receipt of the physician/APRN/PA's verification, UI will mark your electric account accordingly, based on the information your physician/APRN/PA provides. Your physician/APRN/PA can use the Medical Web Portal to complete the certification form.

If we’re aware of a planned outage that will affect you, we will try to give advance notice. Sometimes unplanned outages occur and the timing and duration can’t be predicted in advance. That’s why it is important to have a back-up plan that includes the following:

  • An alternate source of electric power such as a battery back-up system, an uninterruptible power supply or a properly-installed generator.
  • A plan to recharge batteries, if necessary.
  • A battery-powered radio and clock with extra batteries.
  • A list of emergency numbers, including police, fire, physician, ambulance and UI.
  • A traditional phone, since cordless models usually don’t operate during outages.

Protection of Service

If a medical or life support condition exists during the winter moratorium period (November 1st through May 1st) your electric service is protected if UI has received the proper verification from your physician/APRN/PA.

During the non-moratorium period (May 2nd through October 31st) your electric service is protected ONLY if a life threatening or life support condition exists and UI has received the proper verification from your physician/APRN/PA.

Visit the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority website.

You can contact UI using one of the following methods:

By Email

By Phone

Customer Service

  • Toll-Free: 800.722.5584
  • Live Support Hours: Monday - Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (EST)
  • Self-Service Automated Phone Support 24X7

If you need to contact us regarding an issue or concern, please refer to the chart below for a list of common interactions and support hours.

Reason for Call Keywords and Shortcuts Phone Support Hours


  • No power
  • Power out
  • Wire down
  • Line down
  • No lights 24X7

Billing and Payments

  • Pay my bill
  • Account balance
  • Locate a payment agent
  • Copy of my bill
  • Medical Protection Self-Service 24X7
  • Move in
  • Move out
  • I’m moving
  • Water heater repair
  • Surge protection
  • I want a service cover
  • High bill
  • Payment arrangements
  • Financial Hardship - Live Support Hours: Monday - Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (EST)
  • By mail

General Correspondence

The United Illuminating Company
P.O. Box 1564
New Haven, CT 06506-0901

Mail a Payment

The United Illuminating Company
P.O. Box 847818
Boston, MA 02284-7818

Please include your account number on your check or money order and allow sufficient time for your payment to be received and processed by UI.

Pay In Person

UI's authorized payment agents are conveniently located throughout our service territory. Once you make payment on your account it is not necessary to call in your payment and receipt information as this information is automatically posted to your account within one hour. However, making your payment on the "Due Date" at an authorized payment agent may not post until the following business day. Please pay your bill before the due date to avoid late payment charges or service interruption.

We offer several convenient ways to pay your bill. Select the payment method most convenient for you. 

Make an Online Payment

Make a payment online any time using your Checking/Savings account, ATM/Debit Card, or Visa, MasterCard, or Discover card. Our payment processing agent charges a convenience fee for this service.


AutoPay is the secure, hassle-free way to ensure your bills are paid on time each month, automatically.

Make One-Time Payments By Phone

Call 800.722.5584 (800-7-CALL-UI) to make a payment any time using our automated phone system. Payments made using the phone system are subject to a convenience fee.

Mail Your Payment

Please make your check payable to The United Illuminating Company, and mail to:

The United Illuminating Company
P.O. Box 847818
Boston, MA 02284-7818

Please include your account number on your check or money order and allow sufficient time for your payment to be received and processed by us.

Pay In Person

Pay in person at one of the many nationwide payment locations offered through our payment partners.

There are several factors that can affect your electricity bill each month. Electric rates and usage factors can and do impact the amount you pay each month on your electric bill. A change in any of these factors can impact your bill, resulting in a higher or lower electric bills. However, that is the simple answer, but to fully understand why your bill is higher or lower, you need to know what these factors are and their impact to your monthly bill:

Rate Factors:         

  • Increased Cost of Fuel - The fossil fuels that are used to generate electricity --- coal, oil, natural gas --- have all increased significantly in price  since our existing supply contract was signed three years ago. Those price increases will play a major role in the final cost of the new supply contract.
  • Change in UI Rates - UI rates are adjusted approximately every six months to account for changes in the cost of the electricity we supply. The new rates are approved by the PURA, the regulatory agency that oversees aspects of the company’s operation. A change in your rate class, one of the two factors that combine to determine your monthly bill, would change your bottom line.
  • Season Change - UI’s rates are seasonal and therefore change based on the time of year. The rate during the summer period (June-September) is greater than that of the winter period (October-May).
  • Time-of-Use Rate - If you are on one of UI’s Time-of-Use Rate, a change to when you use electricity will impact your bill. The rate for on-peak hours (noon – 8 PM Monday - Friday) is greater than off-peak hours. By using more electricity during on-peak hours, you are paying a higher rate for that electricity
  • Budget Billing - Because your usage, and amount owed are averaged, bills in the summer are lower than expected, and bills during cooler months may be higher than expected.

Usage Factors:

  • Increased/Reduced Billing Period – The number of days on the invoice (i.e. the billing period) is greater or less than normal. There can be as much as an eight (8) day difference in the number of billing days on an invoice. As a result, the amount of electricity consumed for that billing period may be greater or less than normal.
  • Living Habits – Changes to your home’s thermostat settings, the number of people living at your home, and vacations will affect your electricity usage. Adjusting the setting of your thermostat by a few degrees will cause the amount of electricity you use to change.
  • Time-of-Use Rate - Are you on a UI Time-of-Use Rate rate? A shift to your pattern of use will cause your bill either to rise or fall as the cost per kWh swings to on or off peak rates. Weather – both in the summer and winter months, the weather drives a portion of your bill. The more your heating or cooling system operates, the higher the energy usage, and the higher the bill
  • Home Changes and Appliances – Home renovations (e.g. additions), changes or additions to home appliances, and changes to your homes heating and cooling systems can have a significant impact on your electricity consumption.

For more information on your electric usage and how to save on your bill, see:

Having trouble understanding your bill?

What can I do to save on my electric bill?

How can I save money on my home energy costs?

There are several things you can do to save on your electric bills each month. The first step to reducing high energy costs is to identify how and when you are consuming energy. By managing your energy consumption, you can reduce your monthly electric costs. Simple measures as compact florescent lighting, Time-of-Use Rate, Energy Star appliances and more is the key to getting full value for every energy dollar you spend. Take a look at just a few of the ways to save on your electric bills and reduce your energy consumption:

Ways to Save

  • Bill Analyzer (My Account)
  • Energy Savings for Your Home
  • Energy Savings for Your Business
  • Home Energy Solutions
  • SmartLiving Center
  • CT Energy Info - Energy related subjects for Consumers

Bill Analyzer (My Account) – UI’s bill analyzer (My Account) provides free, convenient and secure access to your account information and tools to manage your account. See what affects your bill each month, track your energy use, find ways to save in your home or business and much more

My Account Features

  • View and print your billing statements
  • Compare 2 bills, side-by-side
  • Analyze and graph your energy usage
  • Find ways to save energy and money
  • Check your account status and payment history
  • Create an energy profile for your home and/or business
  • Pay an individual bill
  • Set up recurring bill payments

Register or login

Energy Savings for Your Home - On our web site, you can find information on the latest energy efficiency products and programs, as well as products that can make your home more comfortable.

Reduce your energy consumption  or make your life a bit easier

Energy Savings for Your Business – On our web site, whether you run a small business or work for a big one, you'll find invaluable information. It's all about incentive-rich programs from UI that make businesses better by maximizing energy efficiency in the workplace.

reduce your business consumption and maximize energy efficiencies  

Home Energy Solutions - On our web site, you can find out how to get an energy audit done in your home. It's free to most customers and includes rebates and other services to reduce your energy bill.

Apply for an energy audit - The Energize Connecticut initiative helps you save energy in your Connecticut home or business with rebates, financing and services for energy efficiency and clean energy improvements. Use Connecticut’s Official Rate Board to compare generation supplier rates that may lower electricity costs..

Go to

Off-peak hours are between 8 p.m. and 12 noon, Monday - Friday and all weekend long. For more information on whether or not VPP is for you, see "Would a Time-of-Use Rate save me money?"

A Time-of-Use Rate such as Rate RT could potentially save you money. The amount of savings depends upon the amount of electricity that you use during off-peak hours. Rate RT is not for everyone and depending upon how and when electricity is used, you could see your electric bill increase. However, by switching to Rate RT, you have the opportunity to save money on your annual household electric bill. The amount of money you can save is limited only by your ability to use electricity during off-peak hours between 8 p.m. and 12 noon, Monday - Friday and all weekend long. So in effect: "Rate RT rewards consumers who manage their household electric consumption."

Learn more about Rate RT:  Time-of-Use Rate RT.

Learn more about your energy usage and determine if Rate RT is right for you, use our Online Energy Analyzer.

Learn more about how can I save money on my home energy costs?

Variable Peak Pricing (VPP) is available to all customers who purchase generation supply from UI. To be eligible, you must receive service under a Time-of-Use Rate and have a meter capable of measuring and recording on-peak usage on a daily basis. UI will install the appropriate metering.

On October 17, 2008 UI filed a Variable Peak Pricing (VPP) Rider with the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) in Docket 05-06-04RE04.

On July 1, 2010 this rider was made available to all other customers. Under this rider, customers receiving service on a Time-of-Use Rate will have the opportunity to purchase generation service from UI that is priced on a daily basis, during peak hours. You must have the appropriate metering to choose this rider, so a new meter might need to be installed. If non-standard metering is required, the Customer may be responsible for the incremental costs of such metering.

Operation Fuel is a private, non-profit Connecticut corporation that provides emergency energy assistance to people within the state of Connecticut who are in financial crisis and who are not eligible for government assistance. Funds are distributed through a volunteer network of nearly 60 fuel banks throughout Connecticut.

UI customers can support Operation Fuel by adding $1, $2 or $3 to their monthly bill payment. To contribute more than $3, please call our Customer Care Center at 800 7 CALL UI (800.722.5584). Our representatives will set up a recurring monthly donation for any amount you designate. This recurring donation will appear on your monthly statement. Remember, your monthly contribution is tax-deductible.

To make an additional donation, send your donation directly to:

Operation Fuel
One Regency Drive, Suite 200
Bloomfield, CT 06002

Make an online donation

Thank you for your support!

UI offers several programs to assist customers financially with their bill. In addition, there are a variety of state programs that may be able to provide you with financial assistance with your utility bill.  Click on the links below for more information, or Contact Us.

United Illuminating Assistance Programs

  • Winter Protection Program - UI offers winter protection to all our customers that qualify. If you meet eligibility requirements, we will not turn off your electricity between November 1 and May 1. The Winter Protection Plan must be renewed annually, beginning in October. To prevent your service from being shutoff after May 1, contact UI to setup a payment arrangement.
  • Matching Payment Plan (MPP) - Residential customers covered by the Winter Protection Program and who heat by electricity may qualify for UI's MPP Program. If you qualify, we will work with you to develop a monthly budget agreement. If you keep that agreement, we will match your payments to reduce your back balance.
  • Home Energy Solutions - For customers whose incomes are less than 60% of Connecticut's state median income, the Home Energy Solutions program provides a range of energy saving services. Home Energy Solutions begins with an informational, in home visit to identify energy-saving opportunities. Depending on whether a customer has electric heat and/or hot water, Home Energy Solutions services may include everything from free installation of Energy Star lighting to water-savings devices and even weatherization services.
  • Bill Forgiveness Program (BFP) - This program helps low-income customers maintain year-round service and pay down delinquent balances by company-matched dollars. A payment arrangement plan helps qualified hardship customers pay past due electric bills. Under BFP, if payments are current, a past due balance can be "forgiven" over time.
  • Flexible Payment Arrangements - We will work with you if you are having trouble paying your electric bill. We offer flexible payment arrangements for all customers needing assistance. These arrangements can be spread out up to 18 months for residential customers and 6 months for non-residential customers. Current payment arrangements may be renegotiated due to a change in financial circumstances Per Conn. Agencies Reg. § 16-3-100(b)(3)(A). These arrangements may be discussed confidentially by calling our Customer Care Center at 800.722.5584.
  • Called to Active Duty? - You may qualify for temporary suspension of collective action and disconnection of your electric service if you are called into active duty in the U.S. military.

State Assistance Programs

  • Info Line - 2-1-1 Infoline is a single source for information about community services, referrals to human services, and crisis intervention. It is accessed toll-free from anywhere in Connecticut by simply dialing 2-1-1. It operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. TDD access and multilingual caseworkers are available.
  • Operation Fuel - This is a statewide program that brings emergency energy assistance to families facing an economic crisis during the entire year. You can add $1, $2 or $3 or more to your monthly bill to support this program on our Preferences page or by calling us.
  • Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) - The federally-funded Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is designed to help low-income households pay their winter heating bills. CEAP is not designed to pay total heating costs. Households must plan to pay a part of the bill themselves. CEAP applications are handled by the local Community Action Agency (CAA).

Community Action Agencies

Community Action Agencies are intake centers for energy assistance applications and assist you with finding financial assistance for your energy bills.

A list of Community Action Agencies in the state 

UI has on staff a licensed arborist who oversees and provides directions to the work planners. UI has provided a specification that they follow. The work planners UI currently have are very experienced and have done this type of work for many years. Also, the final decision of what work is performed is always a collaboration between the work planner and the property owner as well as the municipal tree warden.

There is a tree warden appointed in all of UI's 17 municipalities that we have historically worked with.

UI and many other entities have been investigating this issue since Tropical Strom Irene. This topic has been given extensive study and the record is extremely voluminous. A number of formal proceedings and studies have been conducted throughout this time frame. UI has studied a number of options such as undergrounding the system, pole hardening, and vegetation management. The undergrounding option has been examined by numerous utility commissions such as Florida, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Virginia and Maryland. This topic was also studied by the Edison Electric Institute. The consensus of these reports indicates that wholesale under grounding is extremely cost prohibitive. Some estimates indicate a monthly cost increase of 125% for residential customers and as high as 162.6% and 216% for commercial and industrial customers respectively. UI, with its urban and fully built out system would have similar results. Although there are benefits to underground the cost of doing so would be prohibitive. Additional disadvantages include the need to underground other utilities such as phone and cable, the moving or re positioning of existing underground utilities such as sewer, water and gas, the need for private homeowners to underground their exiting overhead service (which could be a one-time cost in excess of $1500), the need to acquire easements and private property to locate underground facilities such as splice chambers, vaults, transformers, and switches.

UI's only concern is to restore vital electric service to its customers so that they can be safe from the damage and hardships caused by loss of power for medical needs, heating and cooling, food and medicine spoilage, sewage treatment, water and food supplies, fuel supplies, food spoilage, communications, 911 services, shelters, and a host of other benefits of electric service. UI is a public service company obligated to keep the lights on.

After extreme weather events, we do bring in more crews to restore customers and address tree damage. After Hurricane Sandy in 2012 UI was managing six times the normal number of UI field crews. However, the company is constrained by the number of available crews and its ability to administer that many crews. Extreme weather events are widespread regional events that impact numerous utilities that all need to increase the number of crews. Although UI is continuously striving to develop plans to manage more crews there is no guarantee additional crews will even be available. UI was found to have done an adequate job in restoring customers during the last extreme weather events. A very thorough investigation was performed by PURA to support that conclusion. UI was asked to improve communications and storm resiliency to both improve customer communications as well as reduce the number of outages that do occur. UI has responded with technology projects for communications, substation flood mitigation improvements and this latest vegetation management plan.

No. UI will not bill individual customers or municipalities for damage caused to the electric infrastructure by private or municipal owned trees. These costs, as has been the case are spread to all customers in UI's seventeen towns and cities. UI will document locations of trees in which objections were upheld so that after the next extreme weather event UI can determine if these trees caused damage and customer outages. This data will be reported as part of the normal after action review.

This program is an eight year program and UI is bound by the process of the state law in its implementation. Extreme pains will be taken to ensure proper notification and consideration time is given as outlined by the law. UI intentionally started the program as a very limited pilot in only 4 of its 17 towns and only on 40 of its 2800 miles of overhead service territory in the next six months. These circuits were selected due to poor performance and criticality of certain municipal facilities on these circuits. This pilot has allowed UI to exercise the new state law and provide communications to the UI customers. Although the full plan was approved in 2013 with a start date of January 1, 2014 UI determined that a full start on January 1 was not prudent, which is the reason for the pilot. UI also has developed the complete 8 year schedule which can be shared with the municipal officials, state representatives and public prior to the start of any assessment work. For example, UI is not planning to assess any work in the Hamden Spring Glen neighborhood until 2016, and this will include six streets in the neighborhood in which the circuit back bone (carrying large numbers of customers) runs. The remaining streets will not be assessed until 2020. UI views this program as collaboration with private residents and municipal tree wardens and PURA.

UI has no rights to take away private property without permission of the owner of the property, except when they are in direct contact with an energized conductor or show signs of burning. UI will make several attempts to contact the home owner including leaving a door hanger that includes what work is being proposed as well as a contact number to schedule a meeting with UI's representative to discuss the work. If contact cannot be made UI will document the work that was to be performed and move on without performing the work. For trees that are in or overhanging public roads the town tree warden has care and control over these trees and UI must work with the tree warden to gain permission. In these cases, residents also have the right to object to work on town trees and can file these objections with both UI and the tree warden. UI is obligated to notify all residents who are in the vicinity of the town tree work prior to the work and the municipal tree warden is required to publicly post any town trees that will be removed so that public notice is given. If the town tree receives objections the tree warden will hold a public hearing to further understand concerns. The tree warden's final decision can be appealed to the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority by the utility or the residents. If UI decides to appeal the tree wardens decision; UI will provide specific cost and benefit information, including information that supported the tree warden's decision, related to the specific locations to support PURA in its final decision.

An explanation of the State law (in English).

UI will evaluate any tree within the Utility Protection Zone (the UPZ is an 8 foot area on each side of UI wires from ground to sky) that is a risk to the electric infrastructure during extreme weather events such as Tropical Storms, Hurricanes, Ice storms and Snow storms when full tree canopy is present (e.g. the 2011 October Snow storm). These trees have the highest probability of damaging the infrastructure if they fail, due to the very close proximity. UI will also assess hazardous trees (dead, diseased or dying) outside of the UPZ. Addressing any and all trees that may fall on the electric system is not practical and excessive which is why the narrow band of the UPZ makes better sense.

It is not a question of rarity but of probability. Put another way, extreme weather events such as Tropical Storms and Hurricanes have a certain re-occurrence probability that has been calculated based on historical data. The weather patterns that produce these storms occur each year and the risk is there for UI's territory each year. Certain storms have enough of a regular occurrence that return periods have been calculated. For example, the return period for a Category 1 Hurricane is every 17 years. This does not mean if we don't get a Category 1 Hurricane this year the probability goes up, the return period remains 1 in 17 years. However, if we go beyond the 17 years without this storm occurring we are beyond what the probabilities predict.

UI has historically employed these techniques and it has worked well for normal reliability or non-extreme weather reliability. So our system is already at this stage. However, we have found that when extreme weather occurs, the system is vulnerable to tree and tree part failure as evidenced by the recent events. This new program looks to reduce the outages and hazards associated with extreme weather events. Areas in which we cannot achieve the new specification will not suffer for average weather but will suffer during extreme weather."

No. The Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA) has determined it is too costly for all utility rate payers.

Alternate Suppliers are electric suppliers/aggregators licensed by Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) to provide generation services to retail electric customers. Services provided by one of these suppliers/aggregators replaces either the Last Resort Service or the Standard Service provided by UI. A current list of licensed suppliers and aggregators can be found by visiting There is no fee to switch suppliers or cancel your agreement with your current supplier. To change suppliers, contact your chosen new supplier directly.

Please note, the list is provided as a resource to consumers and does not constitute PURA’s or UI’s endorsement of providers.

Your POD ID number is your Point of Delivery (POD) identification number. It is a 13 digit number unique to your electrical account. You will need your POD ID if you choose to switch to an alternate energy supplier. It is found just above the New Charges section under the title 'New Charges & Credits'.

For more information on alternate suppliers, see What are Alternate Suppliers and how do I choose one?

View our sample bill

*** Please note: Your United Illuminating account number is not the same as your POD ID ***

If you have traditional “land-line” telephone service, it should work during a loss of electric service — provided that telephone service has not also been interrupted, and that the telephone itself does not need to be plugged into a power outlet. If severe weather is in the forecast, you should make sure your mobile phone is fully charged in case you lose regular telephone service. Consider purchasing a car charger accessory for your mobile phone, so you can charge it during an extended outage.

Call us at 800.722.5584 (800-7-CALL-UI) and report the outage, even if you already reported it when you lost electrical service. It’s possible that our restoration crews simply haven’t yet gotten to the problem that caused your outage; however, it may also be the case that there’s damage to the electrical equipment serving your home or business that we’re not yet aware of.

Stay away and call us at 800.722.5584 (800-7-CALL-UI). Never touch downed lines or damaged electrical equipment, or anything else that may be touching them. Stay at least 20 feet away. If you see anything that might present an immediate danger to the public, such as fire or sparks, dial 911.

Learn how to manually override your automatic garage door opener by reading the manufacturer’s instruction manual. You should read the instructions and review them when severe weather is in the forecast.

As a rule, UI is responsible for repairing damage to its electric system, including the service line leading to your property, and your electric meter. The customer is responsible for any damage starting at the service connection, where the service line attaches to your property. The property owner must fix any damage on the customer side of the service connection before UI crews can safely restore service. For more information, read “ What’s Ours, What’s Yours.

Read the manufacturer’s instructions thoroughly. Do not connect a generator directly to your home’s wiring – this may cause electricity to “back feed” into UI’s electrical system, posing a danger to neighbors and utility workers. Instead, have a licensed electrician connect the generator to your home’s wiring via a transfer switch. Be sure the generator is properly grounded, and do not run generators indoors or near open windows that might draw in exhaust from the generators – exhaust contains deadly and odorless carbon monoxide gas. Consider purchasing carbon-monoxide detectors for your home to protect your family from this invisible threat.

Report it to UI by calling 800.722.5584 (800-7-CALL-UI). Our automated action system can automatically record your outage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

UI prioritizes its outage restoration efforts by following a protocol that puts public safety first, addresses municipal priorities and  seeks to restore customers as efficiently as possible. For more about this process, visit How We Restore .

Customers who rely on life-saving medical equipment should work with their caretakers to create back-up plans for what to do in case of a sudden or extended power outage. Some customers may opt to move to other locations if the forecast calls for severe weather such as a hurricane; others may wish to consider acquiring a generator to ensure continuity of electric service. If you are a medical or life-support customer, you also should register with UI by calling 800.722.5584 (800-7-CALL-UI) to ensure that we are aware of your needs as we proceed with restoration efforts.

To report a power outage, please call UI at 800 7 CALL UI (800.722.5584). Our automated outage reporting system is available 24 hours and will record and report your outage. We will restore your power as quickly as we can.

Power Outage Preparation

Preparation is the key riding out any type of storm that affects electrical service. Learn about how to prepare for a possible power outage, what to do in the event of an power outage, and UI's restoration priorities.



Most likely the service to your home is intact. However, you may have tripped a circuit in your home’s electrical system. Check your circuit breaker to see if there are any switches that have been tripped and reset them. If that fails, you may need to call an electrician.

No, UI does not check credit to start new service. UI will verify identity using the documentation you provide during the move in process.

Your new address may require additional research prior to starting service in your name. Please select the earliest available date in our system.

UI provides electrical service to Ansonia, Derby, East Haven, Hamden, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Orange, West Haven, Woodbridge, Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Trumbull, Shelton and Stratford

In the event that you have already moved in, please select the earliest available date in our system.

UI is able to start service remotely for the majority of customers. In the event that your presence is required to start service, UI Customer Care will contact you to arrange an appointment.

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