News Room

News Room

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Current United Illuminating News

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12/18/2024 UI Congratulates UWUA Local 470-1 President Moses Rams on Good Scout Award from Connecticut Yankee Council in Scouting America
11/22/2024 Avangrid and UI Launch Workforce Development Initiative in New Haven and Bridgeport, Creating Career Pathways in the Utility Industry
11/18/2024 Winter Season Electricity Supply Rates Continue to Fall as UI Files New Standard Service Rates
11/12/2024 UI Celebrates 125 Years of Energizing Connecticut, Honoring a Legacy of Providing Safe, Reliable, and Innovative Service
11/08/2024 UI’s Top Linemen Compete in 40th Annual International Lineman Rodeo, Showcasing Technical Skills, Safety Training, and Industry Knowledge
11/04/2024 UI Statement on Return on Equity (ROE) Filing with Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
11/01/2024 UI, CNG, and SCG Kick Off Heating Assistance Awareness Month, Offering Programs to Help Customers Manage Monthly Bills
10/24/2024 UI, SCG, CNG Launch Inaugural Utility Expo Showcasing Projects, Equipment, and Innovations to Strengthen Community Partnerships
10/03/2024 UI Hosts Annual Safety Day, Strengthening Commitment to Education, Training, and Accident Prevention Among Frontline Workforce
09/30/2024 UI Submits Notice of Intent to File Reliability Investment Plan
09/25/2024 UI Honored as ‘Business of the Year’ for 125-Year Anniversary, Community Advocacy, and Economic Development
09/17/2024 UI Unveils Connecticut’s First Substation Coastal Flood Wall, Enhancing Electric Reliability and Climate Change Resiliency
09/03/2024 UI, SCG Serve More than 1,500 Customers at Major Community Event
08/28/2024 UI Trade Interns Graduate from Front-Line Workforce Development Internship
08/21/2024 UI Hosts Summer ‘Office Hours’ in New Haven County, Providing Customer Assistance on Managing Utility Bills
08/15/2024 UI, SCG Provide Tools and Resources to Promote the Success of Black and Minority-Owned Business in the Community
08/09/2024 UI Prepared to Respond to Remnants of Tropical Storm Debby
08/06/2024 UI Statement on Return on Equity (ROE) Filing with Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
08/02/2024 UI Collaborates With All 17 Municipalities on Emergency Response and Restoration Ahead of Peak Hurricane Season
07/25/2024 UI Hosts First Tour of Energy Generation Assets for 16 Avangrid Interns
07/16/2024 With Next In-Person Office Hours Event, UI Builds on Customer Outreach Success, Having Served More than 1,000 Customers in 2024
07/11/2024 UI Provides Frontline Workforce with Hands-On Training in Renovated Substation Facility
07/03/2024 Avangrid, UI, UWUA Local 470-1 Welcome Back 2023 Trade Internship Graduates as Full-Time Employees
06/28/2024 During Extreme Heat Wave, GenConn Energy Dispatched to Prevent Rolling Outages Across New England
06/24/2024 UI, CNG Trade Internship Programs Provide High School Students with Hands-On Training in Utility Industry
06/20/2024 UI Energizes New Transmission Infrastructure to Strengthen Electric Reliability and Resiliency for Region
06/18/2024 UI Launches New Customer Service ‘Office Hour’ Campaign to Help Customers Manage Summer Bills
06/13/2024 UI Invests $75,000 in Partnership with 19 Local Arts Organizations
05/31/2024 UI Employees Commit More than 140 Hours in Training on Storm Response and Restoration
05/23/2024 UI Invests in Student Energy Literacy by Hosting 80 Elementary School Students at Power Generation Facility
05/17/2024 UI Electric Bills Expected to Remain Largely Unchanged Following Standard Service Supply Rate Decrease Beginning July 1
05/07/2024 UI Statement on Return on Equity (ROE) Filing with Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
05/02/2024 CNG, SCG, UI Announce 44% Increase in Customers who Qualify for Assistance Programs since 2023
04/26/2024 On Arbor Day, UI Donates Trees to Woodbridge and East Haven to Promote Sustainability Across Service Area
04/25/2024 SCG, UI Invest Over $200,000 to Support Sustainability and Green Energy Initiatives at Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo
04/18/2024 UI and Utility Workers Union of America Local 470-1 Invest in 2nd Year of Trade Internship Program to Strengthen Utility Workforce
04/10/2024 CNG, SCG, and UI Encourage Customers to Take Advantage of Assistance Programs
04/05/2024 Avangrid Dispatches UI Crews, Resources to Assist Restoration Efforts in Maine
04/01/2024 UI Reaffirms Commitment to Workforce, Community and Clean Energy Transition in New Campaign
03/29/2024 UI, CNG, SCG, BGC Advance Women in Utility Industry through Senior Leadership Recruitment, Investments in STEM
03/26/2024 UI, SCG, and CNG Encourage Customers to Stay Alert on Utility Scams
03/22/2024 UI Energizes New Pequonnock Substation to Improve Electricity Reliability and Resiliency for Bridgeport Customers
03/14/2024 UI Unveils New Animated Explainer Video for Redesigned Electric Bill
03/07/2024 UI Statement on Return on Equity (ROE) Filing with Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
02/28/2024 UI, SCG Partners With Nonprofits, Municipalities to Bring Energy-Savings Tools to Underserved Communities
02/22/2024 UI Reports 31% Decrease in Distribution Net Income for 2023
02/20/2024 UI and UWUA Local 470-1 Deliver 300 Employee Letters to Attorney General Tong
02/09/2024 UI Files Appeal of PURA’s Denial of Application for Interim Rate Increase
02/06/2024 UI More than Quadruples Residential Clean Energy Capacity in 2023
02/01/2024 UI Redesigns Monthly Bills to Increase Readability for Customers
01/31/2024 UI Responds to Attorney General’s Legal Action on English Station
01/11/2024 UI Advances Energy Storage Pilot Projects in Bridgeport, New Haven, and North Haven
12/27/2023 UI, SCG, and CNG Serve Over 1,000 Customers Through In-Person Outreach in 2023
12/19/2023 UI, SCG, and CNG Award $450,000 in Tax Credits to More than 70 Local Community Organizations
12/12/2023 UI Launches New Low-Income Discount Rate Program to Qualifying Customers
12/05/2023 UI Responds to Attorney General Tong’s Misleading Statement
12/05/2023 UI, SCG Host Enrollment Events to Help Customers Manage Winter Bills
11/30/2023 UI Statement on Interim Rate Request Filing with PURA
11/17/2023 UI Files Lower Winter Season Electricity Supply Rates
11/13/2023 UI, SCG Present Sustainability Achievement to Quinnipiac University
11/06/2023 UI Statement on ROE Filing with Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
11/01/2023 UI, CNG, and SCG Launch Heating Assistance Awareness Month
10/30/2023 UI Celebrates New Overhead Line School Graduates
10/17/2023 UI Organizes Safety Day for More than 300 Front-Line Workers
10/12/2023 Avangrid Hosts First Trades Job Fair for Local Technical High School Students
10/03/2023 UI Pre-Enrolling Qualifying Customers into Low-Income Discount Rate
09/25/2023 UI, SCG Kicks Off Small Business Energy Efficiency Campaign with City of New Haven
09/19/2023 UI, SCG Commemorate UN International Equal Pay Day at Two Women-Owned Bridgeport Small Businesses
09/18/2023 United Illuminating Files Appeal of PURA’s Final Decision in Rate Case
09/13/2023 UI Convenes Storm Preparation and Winter Reliability Meeting with 14 Towns
08/24/2023 Avangrid’s First Class of Lineworker Interns Graduate from Industry-Leading Union Scholars Program
08/16/2023 Avangrid Pioneers In-House Creation of Artificial Intelligence to Increase Reliability
08/14/2023 Over 150 UI Employees Rally Before PURA Hearing
07/31/2023 UI, SCG Invest in Bridgeport Youth in Partnership with Cardinal Shehan Center
07/21/2023 UI, SCG Reaffirm Investment in Next Generation of Energy Workforce
07/19/2023 Avangrid, UI Unveil Progress on Pequonnock Substation Rebuild
07/14/2023 UI on Track to Double Investment in Non-Residential Renewable Energy in 2023
07/06/2023 UI, SCG President Meets with Community Leaders at 333 Valley Street Center in New Haven
06/26/2023 Avangrid and Subsidiary UI Partner with UWUA Local 470-1 to Launch Industry-Leading Lineworker Internship Program
06/07/2023 UI, SCG Announce $15,000 Grant to Support Affordable Housing in Bridgeport
06/05/2023 UI, SCG Announce Customer Forum in Greater Valley Region
05/17/2023 UI Files Updated Standard Service Rate with State Regulators, Estimates $28 Monthly Bill Decrease for Residential Customers
05/09/23 UI Announces Grant Funding to Support 16 Arts and Culture Organizations in New Haven
04/19/2023 AVANGRID Joins Habitat for Humanity to Reinforce Commitment to Energy Efficiency, Affordable Housing
04/19/2023 UI Completes Procurement for Summer Energy Supply, Forecasts Lower Bills for Customers Beginning in July
04/12/2023 AVANGRID Announces Steep Discounts and Energy Savings to Utility Customers with New Earth Day Offer
04/11/2023 Energize Connecticut℠ Earns 2023 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence Award
04/04/2023 UI, SCG, CNG Announce New Customer Workshop Events in Three Connecticut Communities
03/20/2023 AVANGRID Warns Customers of Ongoing Utility Scams
03/01/2023 UI, SCG Announce Grant Funding to Help Columbus House Manage Energy Costs
02/22/2023 UI, SCG to Host Customer Workshop Event in Stratford
02/21/2023 United Illuminating Reports 19% Decrease in Distribution Net Income for 2022
02/09/2023 AVANGRID Awards $450,000 in Grants to Over 70 Community Organizations Across Connecticut
02/07/2023 UI President and CEO Frank Reynolds Testifies Before Energy and Technology Committee
02/02/2023 UI, CNG, SCG Urge Customers to Take Safety Measures During Extreme Cold Event
01/18/2023 UI Implements Urgent Financial Relief Measures to Help Customers Manage Rising Energy Costs
11/21/2022 Avangrid Foundation, United Illuminating Deliver $30,000 Grant to Support Ronald McDonald House Charities
11/17/2022 UI Outlines Assistance Programs to Help Customers Manage Rising Energy Costs
11/01/2022 AVANGRID Connecticut Companies Warn Customers of Ongoing Utility Scammers
09/26/2022 United Illuminating Sends Crews to Canada to Assist in Storm Recovery
09/09/2022 United Illuminating Files Distribution Rate and Investment Plan
06/16/2022 UI, SCG, and CNG Receive Fifth Consecutive ENERGY STAR® Award
06/07/2022 AVANGRID Welcomes Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro
05/26/2022 UI Announces $208M Transmission Line Rebuild in Fairfield and Bridgeport
05/12/2022 United Illuminating Announces New Partnership with Bidgely to Assist in State EV Charging Program
04/28/2022 UI and SCG Donate $50,000 to Bridgeport Sanctuary House for Survivors of Abuse & Their Families
04/14/2022 UI Announces $300M Major T-Line Rebuild
04/07/2022 United Illuminating Calls for Contractors for Statewide Electric Vehicle Charging Program
03/15/2022 United Illuminating Collaborates on a Statewide Electric Vehicle Charging Program
03/14/2022 UI Announces Derby-Ansonia Transmission Line Rebuild
03/11/2022 United Illuminating Ready Ahead of Stormy Weekend
03/10/2022 UI and SCG Announce $25,000 in Grants to Bridgeport Nonprofits
03/07/2022 UI, CNG, and SCG Recognize National Consumer Protection Week
02/17/2022 UI Readies Storm Team For Potential Outages
02/17/2022 UI Offers Assistance to Customers Challenged by Rising Energy Supply Costs
01/28/2022 UI Prepares for Winter Storm Bobby
01/15/2022 UI Prepares for Sunday Night Nor'Easter
01/12/2022 United Illuminating Recognized for Efforts to Support Power Restoration Following Hurricane IDA
01/11/2022 AVANGRID Named One of America's Most Just Companies by JUST Capital and CNBC for Second Consecutive Year
12/08/2021 United Illuminating, Southern Connecticut Gas and Connecticut Natural Gas Award $450,000 in Tax Assistance to 64 Organizations
12/07/2021 UI, SCG, CNG Offer Holiday Safety and Efficiency Tips
11/22/2021 UI, CNG and SCG Announce New Holiday eBill Incentive
09/14/2021 UI, SCG AND CNG Energy Customers With Unpaid Bills Are Urged To Act Now To Avoid Service Interruption
09/09/2021 UI Lighting Up the Arts Resiliency Fund Invests $100,000 for Arts And Cultural Sector In Greater New Haven
08/21/2021 With Henri Approaching, UI Urges Customers to Prepare, Stay Safe
08/20/2021 United Illuminating Prepared Ahead of Henri’s Arrival
07/29/2021 UI Prepares Ahead of Potential Thunderstorms
07/29/2021 United Illuminating Joins Electric Highway Coalition to Build Robust EV Charging Network
07/22/2021 COVID-19 Payment Plan Enrollment Extended; Contact UI, SCG or CNG for Assistance with Bills
07/08/2021 United Illuminating Prepared for Elsa’s Arrival
07/06/2021 UI Preparing for Thunderstorms this Evening 3 p.m.
06/30/2021 UI Preparing for Possible Thunderstorms
06/28/2021 United Illuminating Prepared to Meet Customer Needs During Heat Wave This Week
06/15/2021 UI To Resume Regular Collections for Non-Residential Customers Only
05/26/2021 COVID-19 Payment Plan Enrollment Extended to July 20; Contact UI, SCG or CNG for Assistance with Bills
04/23/2021 UI, SCG and CNG Efficiency Programs Honored for ‘Sustained Excellence’
04/22/2021 COVID-19 Payment Plan Enrollment Extended to May 20; Contact UI, SCG or CNG for Assistance with Bills
04/01/2021 UI Reminds Homeowners and Contractors: Don’t Forget To Call Before You Dig
02/15/2021 UI Preparing for Winter Weather
02/03/2021 UI, SCG and CNG Extend COVID Payment Plan Enrollment, Offer Other Assistance
01/31/2021 UI Issues Winter Weather Advisory
01/21/2021 EEI Announces UI as 2020 Emergency Response Award Recipient
01/06/2021 UI, SCG and CNG Offer Assistance With Bills and Overdue Balances
12/24/2020 UI Steps Up Preparations as Christmas Eve Storm Approaches - 12 pm
12/23/2020 United Illuminating, Southern Connecticut Gas and Connecticut Natural Gas Award $441,540 in Grants To Help CT Nonprofits Cut Energy Costs
12/22/2020 UI Issues Holiday Weather Advisory
12/15/2020 UI Preparing as Winter Storm Bears Down
12/02/2020 UI, SCG and CNG Offer Assistance With Bills and Overdue Balances
11/30/2020 UI Preparing for Storm, Warns of Possible Outages
11/06/2020 UI, SCG and CNG Offer Extended Enrollment for COVID Payment Program Billing Arrangements
10/20/2020 Franklyn D. Reynolds Tapped to Lead Avangrid Networks Companies in Connecticut and Massachusetts
10/15/2020 UI, SCG and CNG Offer Programs To Help Customers Manage Bills
09/24/2020 UI Warns of 'Imposter' Scams
09/23/2020 PURA Extends COVID-19 Payment Program Enrollment Date
09/09/2020 UI Urges Customers to Enroll in Payment Plans Before Regular Collections Resume
08/28/2020 UI Expands Field Presence and Offers Restoration Outlook; Crews Report Extensive Damage in Some Neighborhoods
08/27/2020 UI Restoring Service after Extreme Storms Leave Thousands Without Power
08/27/2020 UI Ready To Respond as Severe Weather Threatens
08/11/2020 UI Nears Total Restoration
08/10/2020 UI Crews Continue Work to Restore Power
08/09/2020 UI Reports Progress, Continues To Expand Restoration Team
08/07/2020 UI Expands Restoration Effort, Updates Restoration Estimates
08/06/2020 UI Provides Restoration Progress Update
08/05/2020 UI Reports Restoration Progress as Crews Address Hazards
08/05/2020 A Statement by Tony Marone, UI President and CEO
08/04/2020 UI Urges Customers to Stay Away from Downed Wires as Crews Prepare to Respond to Outages
08/04/2020 UI Responding to Outages Across Its Service Territory
07/31/2020 Hurricane Season is Heating Up: What UI Customers Need to Know
06/23/2020 UI & SCG Provide Support for Downtown Businesses as they Recover from COVID-19 Impacts
06/16/2020 UI, SCG and CNG to Resume Work Impacted by COVID-19
06/03/2020 UI, SCG and CNG Offer 24-Month COVID-19 Payment Plans
04/15/2020 UI, SCG & CNG: Remember to Call Before You Dig
04/12/2020 UI Preparing for Wind and Rain Storm; Warns of Possible Power Outages
04/09/2020 UI, SCG and CNG Donate $210,000 to Organizations Providing Community and Economic Relief in Connecticut
04/06/2020 A message from Avangrid Networks CEO Tony Marone
03/30/2020 UI, SCG and CNG Donate 6,900 Protective Masks To Yale-New Haven Health as Shortages Loom
03/25/2020 AVANGRID Companies and Avangrid Foundation Commit $2 Million to Support Coronavirus Response and Recovery
03/17/2020 UI, SCG and CNG to Suspend Fees, Waive Deposits and Expand Suspension of Service Shut-Offs
03/03/2020 UI Releases Mobile App for Apple and Android Devices
02/18/2020 United Illuminating Announces Community Events To Help Customers Manage Bills and Keep the Lights On
02/07/2020 UI Preparing for Possible Outages due to Strong, Gusty Winds
01/16/2020 Avangrid Foundation Invested more than $3 Million to Make Positive Impact in Communities in 2019
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